


Add a fully featured emoji picker to your app with a few lines of code!

Formerly known as Emoji Button.

<img width="390" alt="PicMo screenshot" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/219285/167278644-0f00ffa8-8e26-449c-8aa5-130d5a4b3e2a.png">

Features at a glance

Demos and documentation

Demos and full documentation, including the API and usage guide, is available at https://picmojs.com.


At a minimum, you need the core picker package. This gives you a picker that you can insert inline into an element on the page.

npm install picmo

Basic usage

import { createPicker } from 'picmo';

// The picker must have a root element to insert itself into
const rootElement = document.querySelector('#pickerContainer');

// Create the picker
const picker = createPicker({ rootElement });

// The picker emits an event when an emoji is selected. Do with it as you will!
picker.addEventListener('emoji:select', event => {
  console.log('Emoji selected:', event.emoji);


PicMo is made up of three packages:


Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed code to PicMo!

<a href="https://github.com/joeattardi/picmo/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=joeattardi/picmo" /> </a>