


A port of Bashmarks (by Todd Werth), a simple command line bookmarking plugin, for oh-my-zsh

How to install



Add antigen bundle jocelynmallon/zshmarks to your .zshrc where you're adding your other plugins. Antigen will clone the plugin for you and add it to your antigen setup the next time you start a new shell.


For most people the easiest way to use zshmarks with prezto is to manually clone the zshmarks repo to a directory of your choice (e.g. /usr/local or ~/bin) and symlink the zshmarks folder into your zpretzo/modules folder:

    ln -s ~/bin/zshmarks ~/.zprezto/modules/zshmarks

Alternatively, you can add the zshmarks repository as a submodule to your prezto repo by manually editing the '.gitmodules' file:

    [submodule "modules/zshmarks"]
    	path = modules/zshmarks
    	url = https://github.com/jocelynmallon/zshmarks.git

Then make sure you activate the plugin in your .zpreztorc file:

    zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule \
    zshmarks \


Add the following to your .zshrc file somewhere after you source zplug.

    zplug "jocelynmallon/zshmarks"



You can change the location of the bookmarks file (default is $HOME/.bookmarks) by adding the environment variable 'BOOKMARKS_FILE' to your shell profile.

    export BOOKMARKS_FILE="foo/bar"

If you were expecting this to be a port of similarly named Bashmarks (by huyng), you can setup zshmarks to behave in roughly the same way by adding the following aliases to your shell setup files/dotfiles:

    alias g="jump"
    alias s="bookmark"
    alias d="deletemark"
    alias p="showmarks"
    alias l="showmarks"

(You can also omit the "l" alias, and just use p without an argument to show all bookmarks.)