


A websockets team chat built with Erlang's ChicagoBoss, using Cowboy server and PostgreSQL.

Goal of the project

Look & feel

<img alt="Apalachin look and feel" src="https://raw.github.com/joaomilho/apalachin/master/priv/static/img/shot.png" />


  1. Install Erlang (version R15B03 +). You can also use brew install erlang if you're on MacOS.

  2. Download and install ChicagoBoss:

    wget wget https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/ChicagoBoss/archive/v0.8.19.tar.gz
    tar -xvf v0.8.19.tar.gz
    cd ChicagoBoss-0.8.19
  3. Clone Apalachin:

    git clone git@github.com:joaomilho/apalachin.git
    cd apalachin
  4. Copy boss.config.example to boss.config, then edit the file changing the path of ChicagoBoss and your database setup:

    cp boss.config.example boss.config
    vi boss.config
  5. Run in dev mode:

  6. Migrate (run inside project's erlang console) and generate some users:

    > boss_migrate:run(chat).
    > User = person:new(id, "Al Capone", "al@capone.com", "1234").
        > User:save().
    > User = person:new(id, "Joe Barber", "joe@barber.com", "1234").
        > User:save().
  7. Open your [modern] browser on http://localhost:8001, sign in, and have fun!
