


This is a tool to migrate data between two Hasura instances through the GraphQL endpoints

The problem

If you are trying to migrate data from an Hasura environment to another that runs in a free tier, you will face issues with the permission level of your Postgres credentials.

For example, if you try to run the COPY command to import the data from a CSV file using the Postgres CLI psql, you will receive this error message:

ERROR: must be a superuser or a member of the pg_read_server_files role to COPY from a file

This error occurs because a free tier instance of Hasura runs in a shared server, which means that the database server, has many other users running their databases, and it's reasonable to you not have a superuser or a different grant on the database server due to security reasons.


Fetch the data using the GraphQL introspection query to discover the properties/fields of each table/field on GraphQL, and dynamically insert it to the tables using the Hasura insert mutation convention insert_<field_name>


yarn global add xsura



Copy the data from an instance of Hasura to another instance of Hasura

xsura copy \
--fields="table_a,table_b" \
--source="https://source.hasura.app/v1/graphql" \
--source-headers="x-hasura-admin-secret|ADMIN_SECRET_KEY" \
--target="https://target.hasura.app/v1/graphql" \



GraphQL fields that you want to copy to the target


GraphQL URL of your source server


Headers that you may need to use to authenticate your requests for you source server


GraphQL URL of your target server


Headers that you may need to use to authenticate your requests for you target server