

SubStrings, Slices and Random String Access in Rust

This is a simple way to do it.


use core::panic;
use std::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds};
use std::iter;
use std::mem;
use std::collections::HashMap;

extern crate unic_normal;
use unic_normal::StrNormalForm;

trait StringUtils {
    fn substring(&self, start: usize, len: usize) -> &str;
    fn slice(&self, range: impl RangeBounds<usize>) -> &str;
    fn get_vec_chars(&self) -> Vec<char>;

impl StringUtils for str {
    fn substring(&self, start: usize, len: usize) -> &str {
        let mut char_pos = 0;
        let mut byte_start = 0;
        let mut it = self.chars();
        loop {
            if char_pos == start { break; }
            if let Some(c) = it.next() {
                char_pos += 1;
                byte_start += c.len_utf8();
            else { break; }
        char_pos = 0;
        let mut byte_end = byte_start;
        loop {
            if char_pos == len { break; }
            if let Some(c) = it.next() {
                char_pos += 1;
                byte_end += c.len_utf8();
            else { break; }

    fn slice(&self, range: impl RangeBounds<usize>) -> &str {
        let start = match range.start_bound() {
            Bound::Included(bound) | Bound::Excluded(bound) => *bound,
            Bound::Unbounded => 0,
        let len = match range.end_bound() {
            Bound::Included(bound) => *bound + 1,
            Bound::Excluded(bound) => *bound,
            Bound::Unbounded => self.len(),
        } - start;
        self.substring(start, len)

    fn get_vec_chars(&self) -> Vec<char> {
        // return self.chars().collect();
        let tmp_str = self.nfc().collect::<String>();

trait StringUtilsVecChars {
    fn to_string(&self) -> String;
    fn to_string_buf<'a>(&self, buf: & 'a mut String) -> & 'a String;

impl StringUtilsVecChars for Vec<char> {
    fn to_string(&self) -> String { 

    fn to_string_buf<'a>(&self, buf: & 'a mut String) -> & 'a String {
        for c in self.iter() {

trait StringUtilsSlices {
    fn to_string(&self) -> String;
    fn to_string_buf<'a>(&self, buf: & 'a mut String) -> & 'a String;
    fn to_vec_chars(&self) -> Vec<char>;

impl StringUtilsSlices for [char] {
    fn to_string(&self) -> String {

    fn to_string_buf<'a>(&self, buf: & 'a mut String) -> & 'a String {
        for c in self.iter() {

    fn to_vec_chars(&self) -> Vec<char> {
        let vec_chars = self.iter().copied().collect();

trait StringUtilsVecCharsV2 {
    // fn to_string(&self) -> String;
    // fn to_string_buf<'a>(&self, buf: & 'a mut String) -> & 'a String;
    fn join_vec(p_vec_vec_chars: &[&[char]]) -> Vec<char>;
    fn join_str(p_vec_str: &[&str]) -> Vec<char>;
    fn eq_vec(&self, other: &[char]) -> bool;
    fn eq_str(&self, p_str: &str) -> bool;

    fn push_vec(& mut self, p_vec_chars: &[char]);
    fn push_str(& mut self, p_str: &str);
    fn push_str_start(& mut self, p_str: &str);
    fn push_vec_start(& mut self, other_vec: &Vec<char>);
    fn insert_str(& mut self, p_str: &str, at_pos: usize)
        -> Result<(), String>;
    fn insert_vec(& mut self, other_vec: &Vec<char>, at_pos: usize) 
        -> Result<(), String>;

    fn trim_start(& mut self);
    fn trim_end(& mut self);
    fn trim(& mut self);

    fn find_vec(& self, p_vec_chars: &Vec<char>,
        start_pos: usize, end_pos: Option<usize>)
        -> Option<usize>;
    fn find_str(& self, p_str: &str, start_pos: usize,
                end_pos: Option<usize>) -> Option<usize>;

    fn contains_vec(& self, p_vec_chars: &Vec<char>) -> bool;
    fn contains_str(& self, p_str: &str) -> bool;

    fn start_with_vec(& self, pattern_vec_chars: &[char]) -> bool;
    fn start_with_str(& self, pattern_str: &str) -> bool;
    fn ends_with_vec(& self, pattern_vec_chars: &[char]) -> bool;
    fn ends_with_str(& self, pattern_str: &str) -> bool;

    /// Returns a None or the index of the first replace.
    fn replace_vec(& mut self, match_pattern_vec: &Vec<char>,
                    replace_pattern_vec: &Vec<char>, 
                    start_pos: usize, 
                    end_pos: Option<usize>) -> Option<usize>;
    /// Returns a None or the index of the first replace.
    fn replace_str(& mut self, match_pattern_str: &str,
                    replace_pattern_str: &str, start_pos: usize,
                    end_pos: Option<usize>) -> Option<usize>;
    /// Returns a None or the number of replaces.
    fn replace_vec_all(& mut self, match_pattern_vec: &Vec<char>,
                       replace_pattern_vec: &Vec<char>) -> Option<usize>;
    /// Returns a None or the number of replaces.
    fn replace_str_all(& mut self, match_pattern_str: &str,
                       replace_pattern_str: &str) -> Option<usize>;
    fn split_vec(& self, at_pattern: &Vec<char>) -> Vec<&[char]>;        
    fn split_str(& self, at_pattern_str: &str) -> Vec<&[char]>;

    fn map_str(& mut self, map: & HashMap<&str, &str>) 
        -> HashMap<String, usize>;

fn main() {
    let s = "abcdèfghij";
    // All three statements should print:
    // "abcdè, abcdèfghij, dèfgh, dèfghij."
    println!("{}, {}, {}, {}.",
        s.substring(0, 5),
        s.substring(0, 50),
        s.substring(3, 5),
        s.substring(3, 50));
    println!("{}, {}, {}, {}.",
    println!("{}, {}, {}, {}.",

    // Allocating a string from Vec<char>.
    let mut vc = s.get_vec_chars(); 
    println!("{}, {}, {}, {}.",

    // Reusing a String buffer from a Vec<char>.
    let mut buf = String::new();
    print!("{}, ",  vc[..5].to_string_buf(& mut buf));
    print!("{}, ",  vc[..].to_string_buf(& mut buf));
    print!("{}, ",  vc[3..8].to_string_buf(& mut buf));
    print!("{}.\n", vc[3..].to_string_buf(& mut buf));
    // Random access to the Vec<char>. 
    for i in 0..(vc.len() - 2) {
        print!("{} ", vc[i..i+3].to_string_buf(& mut buf));
    // Random modifications to the Vec<char>.
    for i in (0..(vc.len() / 3) + 1).rev() {
        vc.insert(i*3, '#');
    println!("{} ", vc.to_string());
    println!("{} ", vc.to_string_buf(& mut buf));

    // Test trait StringUtilsVecCharsV2 for Vec<char> .

// Output:
//    abcdè, abcdèfghij, dèfgh, dèfghij.
//    abcdè, abcdèfghij, dèfgh, dèfghij.
//    abcdè, abcdèfghij, dèfgh, dèfghij.
//    abcdè, abcdèfghij, dèfgh, dèfghij.
//    abcdè, abcdèfghij, dèfgh, dèfghij.
//    abc bcd cdè dèf èfg fgh ghi hij 
//    #abc#dèf#ghi#j
//    #abc#dèf#ghi#j


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Best regards, <br> Joao Nuno Carvalho