

How to learn modern Linux

A simple but long path to the intrepid adventurer.


Unix as a family of systems, is one of the greatest bodies of intellectual work ever achieved by the human mind! It was the brainchild of Ken Thompson in 1969, because he wanted to play a simple game called Space Travel that he had developed for Multics, and he wanted to be able to run the program in a small computer of its own! With the help of Dennis Ritchie and many others it was born at the Bell Labs and quickly became, in several ways, a creature of all mankind! A free bird to fly by its own means and to be used as a tool for whoever wishes to learn deeper its ways of working. It's a coherent agglomerate of different technologies that never gets old and like a Fenix, re-borns from the ashes.

The objective of this How to

The objective of this How to is to be a small guide, to give anyone a path to becoming a Linux in depth knowledge person.

The general path that we will follow ... explore and discover

First, you will need to have a Linux installed. You should start with Ubuntu Linux, preferably in a secondary machine (or virtual machine [Virtual Box]). Install it and play normally with it, as if it would be your main machine. Play with it for 3 months all days, explore and discover. By then, you will find that you are really comfortable with your Linux Ubuntu system, then, think if you are ready to make it your main system for everyday use. If you are, then install it on your main system and use it all day long, continue to explore and to discover. Then in your secondary machine, install the Debian distribution (rock solid distro) with gnome once, and then with KDE, and use it for 3 months to get a real feeling for it, learn it inside out. Then install an Arch system with rolling release for 3 months. Do all the process of installation and get into all the details that make Linux work and how it works. Go in depth into Linux. Learn to fix it when it breaks. Then choose what you want to install on your main system: a Debian, a Arch Linux or if you would like to try another distro out there. By this time you will be a more knowledgeable person and you could decide your next move. <br> <br> You should, from the start, embark on a reading and studying journey, the path is listed below and some of the reading material is listed below. <br> <br> The major steps are: <br>

  1. Learn and appreciate the history of Unix, Linux, GNU, X, FreeBSD and C
  2. Learn by reading the documentation of the 3 major distros Ubuntu, Debian and Arch linux
  3. Learn to use the shell, and more specific the bash
  4. Learn how to navigate with the most common editors, vi and Emacs, learn what they represent in context, and learn other editors
  5. Learn system administration
  6. Learn how Linux internals works
  7. Learn about open source and the major software and hardware licenses
  8. Learn how to program on Linux
  9. Craftsmanship and software design
  10. Learn how systems programming works
  11. Linux kernel development
  12. Hardware knowledge
  13. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  14. Learn Raspberry Pi and embedded Linux
  15. FreeBSD knowledge
  16. Do the NAND To Tetris challenge in Rust, C, C++, GO or Python
  17. Become an enlightened person in terms of Linux and use it to accomplish your goals in a better way

1. Learn and appreciate the history of Unix, Linux, GNU, X, FreeBSD and C

2. Learn by reading the documentation of the 3 major distros Ubuntu, Debian and Arch linux

3. Learn to use the shell, and more specific bash

4. Learn how to navigate with the most common editors, vi and Emacs, learn what they represent in context, and learn other editors

5. Learn system administration

6. Learn how Linux internals works

7. Learn about open source and the major software and hardware licenses

8. Learn how to program on Linux

C, C++ and Rust can use the following tools. <br>

9. Craftsmanship and software design

10. Learn how systems programming works

11. Linux kernel development

12. Hardware knowledge

13. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

14. Learn Raspberry Pi and embedded Linux

15. FreeBSD knowledge

16. Do the NAND To Tetris challenge in Rust, C, C++, GO or Python

  1. From Nand to Tetris <br> https://www.nand2tetris.org/

  2. Video - Shimon Schocken: The self-organizing computer course <br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE7YRHxwoDs

  3. Video - From Nand to Tetris Part I Course Promo <br> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTl5wRDT0CU

  4. Free Course - Build a Modern Computer from First Principles <br> From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course) <br> https://www.coursera.org/learn/build-a-computer

  5. Free Course - Build a Modern Computer from First Principles <br> Nand to Tetris Part II (project-centered course) <br> https://www.coursera.org/learn/nand2tetris2

17. Become an enlightened person in terms of Linux and use it to accomplish your goals in a better way

All my other guides

Have fun

Best regards, <br> João Nuno Carvalho