

Ember Truth Helpers CI

HTMLBars template helpers for additional truth logic in if and unless statements.



ember install ember-truth-helpers


HelperJavaScriptHTMLBarsImportVariable argument count allowed
eqif (a === b){{if (eq a b)}}import { eq } from 'ember-truth-helpers';No
not-eqif (a !== b){{if (not-eq a b)}}import { notEq } from 'ember-truth-helpers';No
notif (!a){{if (not a)}}import { not } from 'ember-truth-helpers';Yes
andif (a && b){{if (and a b)}}import { and } from 'ember-truth-helpers';Yes
or<code>if (a || b)</code>{{if (or a b)}}    import { or } from 'ember-truth-helpers';Yes
xor<code>if (a !== b)</code>{{if (xor a b)}}import { xor } from 'ember-truth-helpers';No
gtif (a > b){{if (gt a b)}}import { gt } from 'ember-truth-helpers';No
gteif (a >= b){{if (gte a b)}}import { gte } from 'ember-truth-helpers';No
ltif (a < b){{if (lt a b)}}import { lt } from 'ember-truth-helpers';No
lteif (a <= b){{if (lte a b)}}import { eq } from 'ember-truth-helpers';No
is-arrayif (Ember.isArray(a)){{if (is-array a)}}import { isArray } from 'ember-truth-helpers';Yes
is-emptyif (Ember.isEmpty(a)){{if (is-empty a)}}import { isEmpty } from 'ember-truth-helpers';No
is-equalif (Ember.isEqual(a, b)){{if (is-equal a b)}}import { isEqual } from 'ember-truth-helpers';No



is-equal uses Ember.isEqual helper to evaluate equality of two values. eq should be sufficient for most applications. is-equal is necessary when trying to compare a complex object to a primitive value.

Other Helpers

Usage with Glint

ember-truth-helpers is a glint enabled addon. Add this to your types/global.d.ts file:

import '@glint/environment-ember-loose';

import type EmberTruthRegistry from 'ember-truth-helpers/template-registry';

declare module '@glint/environment-ember-loose/registry' {
  export default interface Registry extends EmberTruthRegistry, /* other addon registries */ {
    // local entries

For the entire guide, please refer to Using Addons section on the glint handbook.

Types are made available through package.json exports field. In order for TS to recognize this (beginning from TS 4.7), you must set moduleResolution to node16 or nodenext.

Usage in Single File Components

For usage in gts or gjs files, all helpers are exported from the index:

import { or } from 'ember-truth-helpers';

  {{#if (or @admin @user)}}
    Admin Controls are going here


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.