


Run dbt commands inside a IPython session.


pip install dbt-ipy


You can access the tutorial notebook here

Quickstart Guide

Load the extension

%load_ext dbt-ipy

Connect to dbt RPC

The next thing you'll probably want to do is to run a dbt RPC server in the background. That will let you run queries, compile SQL code among other things:

%dbt rpc <args> (the args will be passed directly to dbt as command line arguments)

The two most important parameters would be:

Custom magic commands

Compiling queries

The sql query in the cell will be compiled with the dbt RPC server and IPython will output the text::


Running queries

The sql query in the cell will be run on the dbt RPC server and IPython will output the agate table. Also, it will run its .print_table() method::


Copying to clipboard

It is also possible to copy the last result returned by dbt to the clipboard. If that's a %%compile_sql compiled query it will return the SQL text but if it's a %%run_sql table, it will transform it to CSV and copy that to the clipboard. You can then paste the contents of the clipboard into a spreadsheet as usual.
