

Learned Image Compression with Mixed Transformer-CNN Architectures [CVPR23 Highlight]

This is the Pytorch repository of the paper "Learned Image Compression with Mixed Transformer-CNN Architectures".

Please feel free to contact Jinming Liu (jmliu@toki.waseda.jp) or Heming Sun if you have any questions.

A TensorFlow2 implementation of LIC-TCM is also provided by Nikolai10.


Learned image compression (LIC) methods have exhibited promising progress and superior rate-distortion performance compared with classical image compression standards. Most existing LIC methods are Convolutional Neural Networks-based (CNN-based) or Transformer-based, which have different advantages. Exploiting both advantages is a point worth exploring, which has two challenges: 1) how to effectively fuse the two methods? 2) how to achieve higher performance with a suitable complexity? In this paper, we propose an efficient parallel Transformer-CNN Mixture (TCM) block with a controllable complexity to incorporate the local modeling ability of CNN and the non-local modeling ability of transformers to improve the overall architecture of image compression models. Besides, inspired by the recent progress of entropy estimation models and attention modules, we propose a channel-wise entropy model with parameter-efficient swin-transformer-based attention (SWAtten) modules by using channel squeezing. Experimental results demonstrate our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art rate-distortion performances on three different resolution datasets (i.e., Kodak, Tecnick, CLIC Professional Validation) compared to existing LIC methods.


The overall framework.

<img src="./assets/tcm.png" style="zoom: 33%;" />

The proposed entropy model.

<img src="./assets/entropy.png" style="zoom: 33%;" />

Evaluation Results

RD curves on Kodak.

<img src="./assets/res.png" style="zoom: 33%;" />


In the code, N refers to 1/2 of C in the paper, as it represents the number of channels used to be input into the Tensformer and CNN networks respectively. Therefore, for the Small/Middle/Large model, N should be set as 64/96/128.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python -u ./train.py -d [path of training dataset] \
    --cuda --N 128 --lambda 0.05 --epochs 50 --lr_epoch 45 48 \
    --save_path [path for checkpoint] --save \
    --checkpoint [path of the pretrained checkpoint]


python eval.py --checkpoint [path of the pretrained checkpoint] --data [path of testing dataset] --cuda

Pretrained Model


Reconstructed Samples

<img src="./assets/visual.png" style="zoom: 33%;" />

Related Works




Noted that when our work was completed, the SwinT-ChARM did not yet have the open source code. Therefore, we use our own reproduced results in the paper. For the entropy model in the reproduced code, we use a similar setup of convolutional layers in this code.


This implementations are not original codes of our CVPR2023 paper, because are rearranged by us. This repo is a re-implementation, but the core codes are almost the same and results are also consistent with original results.


  author = {Liu, Jinming and Sun, Heming and Katto, Jiro},
  title = {Learned Image Compression with Mixed Transformer-CNN Architectures},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  year = {2023}