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iOS example application using MQTTKit to send and recive MQTT messages.

Screenshot of the MQTTExample application


Run pod install to insall the dependencies (including MQTTKit) and open MQTTExample.xcworkpace to build and run the example.

The app will connect to the MQTT broker hosted at iot.eclipse.org and publish messages on the /MQTTExample/LED topic.

The retained message for this topic can be seen at http://eclipse.mqttbridge.com/%2FMQTTExample%2FLED

It is possible to change the state of the LED by publishing messages using eclipse's MQTT bridge:

<!-- -->
curl -X PUT --data-binary "1"  http://eclipse.mqttbridge.com/%2FMQTTExample%2FLED
<!-- -->
curl -X PUT --data-binary "0"  http://eclipse.mqttbridge.com/%2FMQTTExample%2FLED

Noe that if you used these HTTP calls to change the LED state, the published LED will not necessarily be in the same state than the subscribed LED.


The whole code to send and receive MQTT message is in MQTTViewController.m.