

\__    ___/   _____/\_   _____/\_   ___ \ 
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  |    |  /        \ |        \\     \____
  |____| /_______  //_______  / \______  /
                 \/         \/         \/ 

TSEC: A type-safe, functional, general purpose security and cryptography library.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/tsecc/Lobby Build Status Latest Version

Latest Release: 0.0.1-M11

For the current progress, please refer to the RoadMap

For version changes and additions, including breaking changes, see either release notes or the Version Changes page.

Note about using Windows™® with tsec

Windows™® is not supported.

Feel free to fork the project and add your own windows support.

Note on milestones:

Our Notation for versions is:

^ ^ ^____Minor
| |______Major
|________Complete redesign (i.e scalaz 7 vs 8)  

All x.x.x-Mx releases are milestone releases. Thus, we do not guarantee binary compatibility or no api-breakage until a concrete version(i.e 0.0.1). We aim to keep userland-apis relatively stable, but internals shift as we find better/more performant abstractions.

We will guarantee compatibility between minor versions (i.e 0.0.1 => 0.0.2) but not major versions (0.0.1 => 0.1.0)

0.0.1-M11 is here for scala 2.12+ and Cats 1.0.1!

To get started, if you are on sbt 0.13.16+, add

tsec-commonCommon crypto utilities
tsec-passwordPassword hashers: BCrypt and Scrypthere
tsec-cipher-jcaSymmetric encryption utilitieshere
tsec-cipher-bouncySymmetric encryption utilitieshere
tsec-macMessage Authenticationhere
tsec-signaturesDigital signatureshere
tsec-hash-jcaMessage Digests (Hashing)here
tsec-hash-bouncyMessage Digests (Hashing)here
tsec-libsodiumNicely-typed Libsodium JNI bridgehere
tsec-jwt-macJWT implementation for Message Authentication signatureshere
tsec-jwt-sigJWT implementation for Digital signatureshere
tsec-http4sHttp4s Request Authentication and Authorizationhere

To include any of these packages in your project use:

val tsecV = "0.0.1-M11"
 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-common" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-password" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-cipher-jca" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-cipher-bouncy" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-mac" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-signatures" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-hash-jca" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-hash-bouncy" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-libsodium" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-jwt-mac" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-jwt-sig" % tsecV,
 "io.github.jmcardon" %% "tsec-http4s" % tsecV

Note on contributing


A note on logging

We use log4s which is a logging facade over SLF4J. This implies you need to add a binding to your classpath. Check https://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder

Big Thank you to our contributors (direct or indirect):

Robert Soeldner (Contributor/Maintainer)

Christopher Davenport(Contributor/Maintainer)

Harrison Houghton(Contributor/Maintainer)

Bjørn Madsen (Contributor)

André Rouél(Contributor)

Edmund Noble (For the dank tagless)

Fabio Labella (For the great FP help)

Will Sargent (Security Discussions)