


Graph BWT is an independent implementation of the graph extension (gPBWT) of the positional Burrows-Wheeler transform (PBWT). Its initial purpose is to embed observed haplotypes in a variation graph. Haplotypes are essentially sequences of nodes in the variation graph, and GBWT is best seen as the multi-string BWT of the node sequences.

See the wiki for further documentation.

There is also a partial Rust implementation of the GBWT.


GBWT is a multi-string FM-index for indexing large collections of similar paths over a graph. The paths are interpreted as sequences of node identifiers, and the sequences are stored in the FM-index. The index is stored in a number of records corresponding to the nodes of the graph. Hence the GBWT can often take advantage memory locality when the queries traverse adjacent nodes.

There are three variants of the GBWT:

The GBWT uses three main construction algorithms:

Compiling GBWT

As the GBWT implementation uses C++14, OpenMP, and libstdc++ parallel mode, you need g++ 6.1 or newer to compile. On Apple systems, the GBWT can also be built with Apple Clang, but libomp must be installed via Macports or Homebrew. Some algorithms are slower when compiled with Clang, because there is no multithreaded std::sort.

The GBWT is frequently tested in the following environments:

There is only one dependency:

Before compiling, set SDSL_DIR in the Makefile to point to your SDSL directory. The default is ../sdsl-lite, which is usually appropriate. The makefile reads $SDSL_DIR/Make.helper to determine compilers and compiler options.

To compile, simply run make. Use install.sh to compile GBWT and install the headers and library to your home directory, or install.sh prefix to specify another install prefix.

Citing GBWT

Jouni Sirén, Erik Garrison, Adam M. Novak, Benedict Paten, and Richard Durbin: Haplotype-aware graph indexes. Bioinformatics 36(2):400-407, 2020. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btz575

Other references

Richard Durbin: Efficient haplotype matching and storage using the Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform (PBWT). Bioinformatics 30(9):1266-1272, 2014. DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu014

Adam M. Novak, Erik Garrison, and Benedict Paten: A graph extension of the positional Burrows-Wheeler transform and its applications. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 12:18, 2017. DOI: 10.1186/s13015-017-0109-9