

Combinatorrent - a bittorrent client.

Build Status


This is a bittorrent client. I am the introduction document and I need to be written by some generous soul!


Here is what I do to install haskell torrrent locally on my machine:

cabal install --prefix=$HOME --user

Since we are using the magnificient cabal, this is enough to install haskell torrent in our $HOME/bin directory.


Combinatorrent can currently only do one very simple thing. If you call it with

Combinatorrent foo.torrent

then it will begin downloading the file in foo.torrent to the current directory via the Bittorrent protocol.

Protocol support

Currently haskell-torrent supports the following BEPs (See the BEP Process document for an explanation of these)

Combinatorrent implicitly supports these extensions

Partially supported extensions:

Combinatorrent is not supporting these BEPs, but strives to do so one day:


For debugging, jlouis tends to use the following:

make conf build test

This builds Combinatorrent with the Debug flag set and also builds the software with profiling by default so it is easy to hunt down performance regressions. It also runs the internal test-suite for various values. There are a couple of interesting targets in the top-level Makefile

Reading material for hacking Combinatorrent:

Source code Hierarchy

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