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NodesAndModes.jl is a package to compute nodes (interpolation and quadrature points) and modes (orthogonal polynomials) on various reference elements for use in high order finite element and nodal discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods. The codes inspired by the Matlab codes for the book "Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin methods" by Hesthaven and Warburton (2007) and high order interpolation nodes on triangles, tetrahedra, and pyramids using the "Interpolatory Warp and Blend" procedure from Chan and Warburton 2015.

Note that NodesAndModes.jl only computes interpolation nodes (nodes) and basis functions (modes). See StartUpDG.jl for generating meshes, connectivity arrays, and geometric terms associated with nodal DG methods.


This package is registered and can be installed via ] add NodesAndModes. Julia v1.3 is required.

Package organization

NodesAndModes.jl supports seven types of elements in 1D, 2D, and 3D.

Each module exports the following functions:

Each module also exports vandermonde and grad_vandermonde for similarity with the Matlab codes in Hesthaven/Warburton 2007. These just call the basis routine and return either Vandermonde or derivative matrices.

Example usage

To compute a 1D Vandermonde matrix using Gauss-Lobatto points and orthonormal polynomials.

julia> using NodesAndModes
julia> N = 2
julia> r = nodes(Line(), N)
julia> V = vandermonde(Line(), N, r)

To compute a 2D triangular Vandermonde matrix from Warp & Blend points (see Warburton 2006) and orthonormal polynomials on the triangle (with coordinates r, s)

julia> using NodesAndModes
julia> N = 2
julia> r, s = nodes(Tri(), N)
julia> V = vandermonde(Tri(), N, r, s)

Nodal differentiation matrices Dr and Ds can be computed via

julia> using NodesAndModes
julia> N = 2
julia> r, s = nodes(Tri(), N)
julia> V, Vr, Vs = basis(Tri(), N, r, s)
julia> Dr, Ds = (A -> A/V).((Vr, Vs))

such that Dr * f(r,s) ≈ df/dr.

A mass matrix M and weak differentation matrices Qr, Qs in finite element or DG methods can be computed using quadrature via

julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> using NodesAndModes
julia> N = 2
julia> r, s = nodes(Tri(), N)
julia> V = vandermonde(Tri(), N, r, s)
julia> rq, sq, wq = quad_nodes(Tri(), N)
julia> Vq, Vrq, Vsq = (A->A/V).(basis(Tri(), N, rq, sq))
julia> M, Qr, Qs = (A->Vq' * diagm(wq) * A).((Vq, Vrq, Vsq))