

wayp_plan_tools ROS 2 package

Waypoint and planner tools for ROS 2 with minimal dependencies. Static Badge

Planner / control nodes:

Waypoint nodes:


It is assumed that the workspace is ~/ros2_ws/.

Terminal 1 🔴 clone

cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/jkk-research/wayp_plan_tools

Terminal 1 🔴 build

cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build --packages-select wayp_plan_tools --symlink-install

Terminal 2 🔵 run

source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch wayp_plan_tools waypoint_saver.launch.py

Control nodes

In this project the single_goal_pursuit, the multiple_goal_pursuit, stanley_control and the follow_the_carrot controllers are implemented. A high level overview about the algorithms is visible on the following figure:

single_goal_pursuit node

The "classic" pure pursuit implementation

multiple_goal_pursuit node

Multiple goal pursuit for vehicles / robots, an implementation of our paper

follow_the_carrot node

Follow-the-carrot, the simplest controller

waypoint_to_target node

Reads the waypoint array and speeds, from that it creates single or multiple goal points.

It also provides a /metrics_wayp array topic with the following elements:

Array elementMeaningConst
[0]current lateral distance to the waypoint (signed, cross-track error)CUR_LAT_DIST_SIGNED
[1]current lateral distance to the waypoint (absolute value)CUR_LAT_DIST_ABS
[2]average lateral distance over timeAVG_LAT_DISTANCE
[3]maximum lateral distance over timeMAX_LAT_DISTANCE
[4]current waypoint IDCUR_WAYPOINT_ID
[5]target waypoint IDTRG_WAYPOINT_ID
[6]target waypoint longitudinal distance (similar to lookahed distance, but at a waypoint)TRG_WAY_LON_DIST
[7]actual lookahead distanceACT_LOOK_DIST
[8]current cross-track errorCUR_CROSS_TRACK
<img src="csv/lookahead01.svg" width=60% />

waypoint_saver node

Saves the waypoints to a csv. Important parameters are file_name and file_dir. Set from terminal or from a launch file

ros2 run wayp_plan_tools waypoint_saver --ros-args -p file_name:=tmp1.csv -p file_dir:=/mnt/bag/waypoints

waypoint_loader node

Loads the waypoints from a csv to a ROS 2 topic. Set from terminal or from a launch file

ros2 run wayp_plan_tools waypoint_loader --ros-args -p file_name:=tmp1.csv -p file_dir:=/mnt/bag/waypoints

Usage with a simulator

Please refer to github.com/jkk-research/sim_wayp_plan_tools.

Cite & paper

If you use any of this code please consider citing the paper:

    title={Theoretical background and application of multiple goal pursuit trajectory follower}, 
    journal={Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry}, 
    author={Horváth, Ernő and Pozna, Claudiu and Kőrös, Péter and Hajdu, Csaba and Ballagi, Áron}, 