


An npm package that automatically installs and wraps Hasura CLI binary in isolated manner

npm version npm beta version npm alpha version npm download

The package is automatically published (always up-to-date) when a new version is released from Hasura's side.

license test code style:airbnb code style:prettier Conventional Commits Commitizen friendly pr welcome


The Original Hasura CLI, which is not this package, is a compiled binary originally written in go. But just installing it on your system could cause some problems.

  1. Difficult to use different hasura versions on multiple projects.
  2. Inconvenient to ensure every colleagues having same version installed.
  3. Manual installation not specified as npm devDependency.

hasura-cli solves them. It automatically downloads the CLI and exposes the command hasura. Downloaded CLI would be isolated, making it only dedicated to the "project" that installed it. Of course, you can install it as global package as well.


You can simply install hasura-cli through npm, yarn or pnpm. Note that this package follows a version of the Original Hasura CLI. If you want to check its releases, go here.

Currently, there are 3 npm tags (npm tags are different from versions), latest, beta and alpha. latest tag refers to Hasura's latest stable version(e.g. npm version), while beta and alpha, respectively beta version(e.g. npm beta version) and alpha version(e.g. npm alpha version).

Of course, you can install it globally,

npm install --global hasura-cli[@tag|@version]

or in a project.

# latest version from latest tag (Same as hasura-cli@latest)
npm install --save-dev hasura-cli

# specific version
npm install --save-dev hasura-cli@2.0.0

# latest version from beta tag
npm install --save-dev hasura-cli@beta

# latest version from alpha tag
npm install --save-dev hasura-cli@alpha

Then you will be able to run hasura command.

For example,

# print hasura version
npx hasura version

Or configure npm scripts on package.json in the way you want. (tip. provide env vars like $HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT or $HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET)

  "scripts": {
    "hasura": "hasura --project hasura --skip-update-check",
    "hasura:console": "npm run hasura console",
    "hasura:apply": "npm run hasura migrate apply"


Generally, it works on 64 bits architecture of any Linux, macOS, and Windows with node@>=16.

Development (Contribution)

Quick PR for new version

It's simple. Just update the version in package.json, then make a Pull Request. That's it!

  "name": "hasura-cli",
  "version": "1.3.0", // Patch this to "1.3.1-beta.1", for example.
  "license": "MIT"
  // ...


Please read NOTE.md, before getting started.

Environment variables

Environment variables are intended to be only used on development environment.

First, create .env file, and configure it as you want.

cp .env.example .env

You can simply populate the variables by executing pnpm dev or pnpm dev:no-respawn. Otherwise, you have to manually feed them (e.g. dotenv -- <your command>). That's because this project doesn't use dotenv, but dotenv-cli. So, the application does not read .env by itself.


Whether src/index.ts would install the cli. You can set it false to prevent unwanted downloads.


A directory where Hasura CLI should be installed.


A file name of Hasura CLI.

Getting started

Install dependencies. Lifecycle script postinstall is only for clients who want to install the binary. So, ignore it with --ignore-scripts option. It should also be used on CI.

pnpm install --ignore-scripts

On development, you can run

pnpm dev
# or
pnpm dev:no-respawn
# or
pnpm dev:build

pnpm dev watches source code and restarts a process when a file changes. It does not write compiled js to the file system. ts-node-dev watches, compiles and restarts.

pnpm dev:no-respawn does the same thing except it does not restart.

pnpm dev:build logically does the identical job at the high viewpoint. But it compiles (tsc -w) ts, writes js on file system, and runs (nodemon) js. concurrently runs tsc and nodemon simultaneously.

To manually test compiled js, you can run

pnpm build # compiles ts to js
pnpm start # runs dist/index.js

Other scripts

pnpm test # runs all tests (against "*.test.ts")
pnpm test:coverage # runs all tests and measures coverage
pnpm lint . # lint

How does this work?

Here is a brief file system tree.

├── dist // to be generated by build process (e.g. `pnpm build`), and ignored by git
├── hasura
├── package.json
└── src
    ├── asset.ts
    ├── index.ts
    └── install.ts

package.json exposes the command hasura as a symlink to the flie hasura. Only the directory dist and file hasura are packed as a package.

  "bin": {
    "hasura": "./hasura"
  "files": ["dist", "hasura"]

However, when publishing the package, the file hasura is just a dummy 'text' file, not a binary file. The file will be replaced with a binary only when a client installs the package on Linux or macOS. On Windows, unlike Linux or macOS, the file hasura is to be removed, and a new file hasura.exe will be created. postinstall lifecycle hook executes dist/index.js, which would install the platform-specific binary.

The binaries are hosted on GitHub as release assets. src/asset.ts exposes functions of "getting GitHub asset URL" and "downloading the asset from the URL". src/install.ts exposes a function of "composing them and handling how the installation should be processed". src/index.ts uses the function to install the asset with some additional control.


MIT License. Copyright © 2019, GIL B. Chan <bnbcmindnpass@gmail.com>