

Memory-Augmented Non-Local Attention (MANA) for Video Super-Resolution


This repository contains the official implementation of "Memory-Augmented Non-Local Attention for Video Super-Resolution" in CVPR 2022.<br>

Demo Video (Watch in YouTube):<br> Demo Video <br>



The Parkour dataset and the videos shown in the supplementary material can be downloaded at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KJdYAtlVRN79jYp4jiLWjvU8hJ50dfT0?usp=sharing

The folder contains 2 zip files:


Training Data Preparation

We use Vimeo90K dataset to train our network. In this repository, you can find a script named prepare_data.py which organizes Vimeo90K into an hdf5 file used in the training.

To do this, simply run:

python prepare_data.py --dataset vimeo90k/ --output vimeo90k_dataset.h5

where "dataset" is the Vimeo90K dataset path containing both "sequences/" and "seq_trainlist.txt"; "output" sets the output hdf5 file path.

Training MANA

The training configurations are summarized in config.yaml with detailed description of the meaning of each parameter. Please change it (e.g. dataset_path and checkpoint_folder) if needed.

To train the network, simply run:

python train.py --config config.yaml

where "config" sets the training configuration file path.


If you find our work useful, please cite our paper:

@InProceedings{ MANA,
  author       = "Jiyang Yu and Jingen Liu and Liefeng Bo and Tao Mei",
  title        = "Memory-Augmented Non-Local Attention for Video Super-Resolution",
  booktitle    = "IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)",
  month        = "Jun",
  year         = "2022"