


7x-10x faster alternative to MemoryCache. A high-performance, lighweight (8KB dll) and thread-safe memory cache for .NET Core (.NET 6 and later)

NuGet version .NET


Basically it's just a ConcurrentDictionary with expiration.



DictionaryLookup65.38 ns1.594 ns0.087 ns--
FastCacheLookup67.15 ns2.582 ns0.142 ns--
MemoryCacheLookup426.60 ns60.162 ns3.298 ns0.0200128 B
FastCacheGetOrAdd80.44 ns1.170 ns0.064 ns--
MemoryCacheGetOrAdd826.85 ns36.609 ns2.007 ns0.18791184 B
FastCacheAddRemove99.97 ns12.040 ns0.660 ns0.006380 B
MemoryCacheAddRemove710.70 ns32.415 ns1.777 ns0.0515328 B

Linux (Ubuntu, Docker):

FastCacheLookup94.97 ns3.250 ns0.178 ns--
MemoryCacheLookup1,051.69 ns64.904 ns3.558 ns0.0191128 B
FastCacheAddRemove148.32 ns25.766 ns1.412 ns0.007680 B
MemoryCacheAddRemove1,120.75 ns767.666 ns42.078 ns0.0515328 B

How is FastCache better

Compared to System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache and Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.MemoryCache FastCache is


Install via nuget

Install-Package Jitbit.FastCache

Then use

var cache = new FastCache<string, int>();

	key: "answer",
	value: 42,
	ttl: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

cache.TryGet("answer", out int value); //value is "42"

	key: "answer",
	valueFactory: k => 42,
	ttl: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));

//handy overload to prevent captures/closures allocation
	key: "answer",
	valueFactory: (k, arg) => 42 + arg.Length,
	ttl: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
	factoryArgument: "some state data");


FastCache uses Environment.TickCount to monitor items' TTL. Environment.TickCount is 104x times faster than using DateTime.Now and 26x times faster than DateTime.UtcNow.

But Environment.TickCount is limited to Int32. Which means it resets to int.MinValue once overflowed. This is not a problem, we do have a workaround for that. However this means you cannot cache stuff for more than 25 days (2.4 billion milliseconds).

The above is no longer valid, we have switched to .NET 6 targeting and now use TickCount64 which is free of this problem.

Another tradeoff: MemoryCache watches memory usage, and evicts items once it senses memory pressure. FastCache does not do any of that it is up to you to keep your caches reasonably sized. After all, it's just a dictionary.