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Quasar Framework: Hybrid Rendering Extension

Manage SSR, CSR, SSG, ISR, SWR usage on your pages, all with one extension using one codebase.

:warning: This extension is built on top of built-in SSR mode and has no effect unless used with SSR mode. See first

Installation | Uninstallation | Compatibility | Usage | Router API | Render API | Advanced

Extension parts

Extension is composed of two main parts, "Router API and Render API". These together allows for a simple plug-and-play, all you need to do is define route rules inside of config file (See Usage) and extension will take care of the rest. Using both Router API and Render API will allow you to use CSR / SSG / ISR / SWR by defining just a single rule.

Router API intro

Allows for mapping of route properties to a given url pattern. At runtime Router API matches requested url with defined patterns and evaluates the best match, whose properties are then used by Render API.

Render API intro

Allows for using different rendering techniques based on input parameters given to it. At build time CSR entry file is generated and if applicable SSG pages are prerendered. At runtime requested technique is used for rendering the page and result is given to the user. API allows for overriding defaults and extending rendering by own rendering techniques.


:notebook: Same applies to upgrade.

:warning: Do not forget to add SSR mode first!

Run this command in Quasar project:

quasar mode add ssr

Run this command in Quasar project:

quasar ext add hybrid-render

You will be asked "Choose features you need:". Choose as appropriate for your needs, but it's recommanded to use both Router API and Render API. If looking for an advanced usage, you may use just Router API or Render API based on your needs.


Run this command in Quasar project:

quasar ext remove hybrid-render


This extension is compatible both with webpack and vite build of Quasar, extension auto adjusts based on engine used. Extension was tested with following versions (but may work with others too):


The following versions are being prepared:



If you followed the Installation guide, extension will automatically run every time you run your Quasar project in a SSR mode.

Run this command in Quasar project to run in DEV:

quasar dev -m ssr

Run this command in Quasar project to build for PROD:

quasar build -m ssr

But of course you did not tell extension what to do, when to use other rendering technique then SSR and when to preserve it. By default extension sits silent and so provides no breaking changes to your app.

Basic usage

:warning: Only applicable if using both Router API and Render API! Basic usage allows simple and fast usage of all build-in rendering methods (SSR, CSR, SSG, ISR, SWR). All one must know is Router API and it's options.

You may use rules described in Router API to define what page/s use/s what rendering technique. Easiest way to accomplish so, is using config file exposed as (src-hr/config.cjs) in your project.

The example code that shows some basic mapping:

const routeList = () => {
  return {
    "/": { type: "ssr" }, // index page will use SSR (not needed, ssr is default!)
    "/about": { type: "ssg" }, // about page will be prerendered at build
    "/admin**": { type: "csr" }, // the whole admin area will use CSR (SPA)
    "/admin/menu": { type: "ssg" }, // menu in admin area will use SSG (will override previous CSR rule as is more specific)
    "/product/*": { type: "isr", ttl: 30 * 60 }, // every product page will use ISR with expiration time of 30 minutes
    "/product/corny": { type: "isr", ttl: null }, // product with id "corny" will use ISR with no expiration time, meaning it won't expire ever (is more specific)
    "/product/456": { type: "ssr" }, // product with id 456 will use SSR even though rest used ISR (is more specific)
    "/blog/*": { type: "swr", ttl: 60 * 60 }, // every blog page will use SWR with expiration time of 1 hour, then api is queried
    "/blog/name": { type: "swr", ttl: 0 }, // blog with id "name" will use SWR with immediate expire even though rest used SWR with 1 hour expire time (is more specific)
    "/blog/32": { type: "swr", ttl: null }, // blog with id 32 will use SWR with no expiration time even though rest used SWR with 1 hour expire time (is more specific)

For more details on Router API, please see Router API. You will for example find out what ** and * stands for and what has the matching priority.

Router API

for Router API you may play with following (src-hr/config.cjs):

const routeList = () => {
  return {};


Function that returns mapping for urlPattern to rules.

The extepected syntax of object is:

  // key: value,
  urlPattern: rule,

You may use following patterns to define the urlPattern:

"/path"; // will match /path
"/path/*"; // will match anything one level deep from /path/ (eg. /path/a, /path/b, /path/ab)
"/path/**"; // will match anything starting with /path/ (eg. /path/a, /path/a/b, /path/a/b/c)
"/path**"; // will match anything starting with /path (eg. /patha, /patha/b, /path/a/b/c)

You may use following options to define route rules:

{ type: "ssr" } // default, not needed
{ type: "csr" } // route will operate as SPA using CSR
{ type: "ssg" } // route will be prerendered (if allowed) and then reused
{ type: "ssg", list: [ "/path/to/render", "/2" ] } // defines list of routes to be prerendered (list is required for non-primitive rules using * or **)
{ type: "isr", ttl: 20 } // route will be saved on first request and will expire in 20 secs of render
{ type: "isr", ttl: 0 } // route will be saved on first request and will expire immediately of render, API is checked for every request.
{ type: "isr", ttl: null } // route will be saved on first request and will never expire (default if no ttl provided)
{ type: "swr", ttl: 40 } // route will be saved on first request and will expire in 40 secs of render if API response changed (or not provided). Excluding first request, requests are served before render
{ type: "swr", ttl: 0 } // route will be saved on first request and will expire immediately of render, API is checked for every request. Excluding first request, requests are served before render
{ type: "swr", ttl: null } // route will be saved on first request and will never expire, even if API response changes (default if no ttl provided)

HINT: in reality, you may define any properties, these will be mapped into the req.hybridRender.route for your own usage. But these mentioned are all that are understood by Render API.

Matching priority

If there is multiple rules matching the url, then the most exact rule will take precedence. If multiple similar rules (with same priority is defined), then the last one defined is used.

exact matchInfinityurl is "/aa" and pattern is "/aa"
match using only **1url is "/aa/bb" and pattern is "/aa/**"
match using **2url is "/aa/bb" and pattern is "/aa/b**"
match using only *3url is "/aa/bb" and pattern is "/aa/*"
match using *4url is "/aa/bb" and pattern is "/aa/b*"

All matching rules are used to allow inheritance, but pattern with higher priority is used (override principle is used).

Render API

for Render API you may play with following (src-hr/config.cjs):

const init = () => {
  return {};
const config = () => {
  return {};


Function that returns object used to initialize Render API's configuration at runtime available and extendable in a middleware as req.hybridRender object.

  custom: {}, // reserved for user custom usage
  config: {
    filename: String, // defaults to "index"
    extension: String, // defaults to ".html"
    autoAddExt: Boolean, // defaults to true (add extension to filename if doesnt have)
  route: { // this is whats set by Router API if used
    type: String ["ssr", "csr", "ssg", "isr", "swr"], // defaults to "ssr" (choose rendering type)
    ?ttl: [Number, undefined, null], // some can have time-to-live in secs, or null/undefined for never expire (ISR/SWR only)
  renderer: any Render compatible obj, // default not set (may set for custom rendering behaviour based on Renderer)
  matches: Route[], // internally filled by Router API (if used) with matched routes
  pageId: any truthy value, // unique identifier of page, defaults to `${normalized url path}_|_${absolute file path}`
  filepath: String, // a path to save/get page, defaults to pathname of requested url (better set at runtime if needed)
  filename: String, // a filename of page to save/get, defaults to index.html (better set at runtime if needed)
  ownUrl: String, // url path that should be requested and rendered, defaults to pathname of requested url (better set at runtime if needed)


Function that returns object used as a main configuration of extension itself.

    killSwitch: false, // set true to temporarly disable extension, app will act as standard SSR again
    srcDir: "hybrid_render", // project relative path to store extension files (prefixed by .quasar in DEV)
    SSG: {
      actAsSSR: process.env.PROD ? false : true, // SSG will act as SSR in DEV
      queueConcurrence: 2, // how many pages prerender at a time
      queueCooling: 600, // how many [ms] to wait between renders
    ISR: {
      actAsSSR: false, // ISR will not act as SSR
      queueConcurrence: 3, // how many hints to resolve at a time
      queueCooling: 150, // how many [ms] to wait between resolves
    SWR: {
      actAsSSR: false, // will not act as SSR
      queueConcurrence: 3, // how many hints to resolve at a time
      queueCooling: 150, // how many [ms] to wait between resolves


Using SWR / ISR API hints

When using SWR or ISR, only ttl auto expiration is available through route configuration. If you wish to only re-render page in case some API response changes (any data source), you may use useSWRHint composable for SWR pages only, useISRHint composable for ISR pages only and useHint composable for both. Composables are exposed in (src-hr/useHint.cjs). These allows to defined a function that will be used for fetching the data, this function will be internally executed every time before re-render of page, so that page is not rendered when there are no changes to it. In case hint is combined with ttl, then api is considered up-to-date for the whole time defined by ttl. When ttl expires, api is queried and compared for any differences, in case there is a missmatch, re-render will take place, in other case page will be valid for another period defined by ttl.

Why to use API hints?

When not to use API hints?

The composable is as follows:

async function useISRHint(name, ssrContext, func, opts) ...
async function useSWRHint(name, ssrContext, func, opts) ...
async function useHint(name, ssrContext, func, opts) {
  // name... unique identifier of API hint (must be unique among other hintNames per page)
  // ssrContext... ssrContext provided by Quasar / Vue (may be ommited if run inside of "setup", pass falsy value)
  // func... function to be run in order to get API data
  // options object of hint, see below...


  // if hint is skiped by any of following, then "func" is run and returned only (no special action is taken)
  onlySWR: Boolean, // [ default: false ], pass true to only use hint with SWR pages (or use useSWRHint)
  onlyISR: Boolean, // [ default: false ], pass true to only use hint with ISR pages (or use useISRHint)
  skip: Boolean, // [ default: false ], pass true to use hint, false to not use hint (usable for components used by many routes)

And usage could be as follows:

import { useHint } from "/src-hr/useHint.js";
import { useSomeStore } from "/src/stores/some"

async preFetch({ store, ssrContext }) {
  const holdsScopeInfo = 45;
  const result = await useSWRHint("hint1", ssrContext, () => {
    return new Promise((res, rej) => {
      setTimeout(() => { res("RESULT_DATA " + holdsScopeInfo) }, 200);

  let result2 = null;
  try {
    result2 = await useSWRHint("hint2", ssrContext, async () => {
      return (await api.post("/get-api-1-state")).data;
  } catch (e) {

  // work with result as needed
  useSomeStore(store).someProperty = result2.result;

Using Render API programmatically

Whether you use Render API alone or with Router API, you may extend the route config (previously) initialized by init object. Config used for rendering current request is exposed as req.hybridRender and has stucture given by init. You may dynamically set or modify any of these fields by using custom SSR middleware (must be used after init and before render). It is recommanded to always alter the config object using it's extendConfig function:

  route: { ... },

SSG while using Render API only

The only way to define routes that will be prerendered at build time while not using Router API is using a JSON file (src-hr/ssg-routes.json). This file should include an array of paths that should be prerendered. The paths defined in this file are joined with paths defined by Router API.

The example of such file would be (src-hr/ssg-routes.json):

["/static-route", "/static-route-2"];

Middleware order

:warning: If you define any of internal middlewares yourself, these will not be pushed to their regular space anymore (your order will be preserved).

:warning: And respectively, if you define any of internal middlewares yourself and these are not to be used (because you don't use the API or have killSwitch on). Then these are auto removed from the middlewares.

By default middlewares will take following places:

If you know what you do, you may define the order yourself by simply using them as any other middleware inside of Quasar config file.

Custom Renderer

There is a reason for exposing most of extension scripts to user, in order to allow easy extendability and understanding many files are stored in user project itself. If you aint fully satisfied with how any of renderers work by default or just want to make your own renderer. There is a way to do so, you may create new class, extend any of renderer classes found in (src-hr/Render.cjs), make requested changes and set it's instance to a req.hybridRender.renderer.

import { Render } from "/src-hr/Render.cjs";

class CustomRender extends Render {
  // override any of methods

export default ssrMiddleware(({ app, resolve, render, serve }) => {
  app.get(resolve.urlPath("*"), async (req, res, next) => {
    const renderOptions = {
      SSRContext: { req, res },
      middleParams: { resolve, render, serve },
    // use custom render class
    req.hybridRender.renderer = new CustomRender(renderOptions);


For a demo you may reach out to GitHub repository of extension and see examples folder containing demo app both for Vite and Webpack. GitHub Examples


Is welcome :) Especially contribution to the parts of CSR and SSG (building the SPA entry and how to run SSG better). But if you have any other ideas, feel free to share them too! There are breaking changes expected at beginnings.


Copyright (c) 2024-present Jiří Žák

MIT License


If you appreciate the work that went into this App Extension, please consider donating to Quasar.