


PyTorch implementation of TIP 2018 paper: "Light Field Spatial Super-resolution Using Deep Efficient Spatial-Angular Separable Convolution". You can find the original MATLAB code from here.




We provide MATLAB code for preparing the training and testing data. Please first download light field datasets, and put them into corresponding folders in LFData.

Note: New training data were generated by bicubic downsampling, while the original training data were generated by spatially blurring with a box filter followed by decimation.


usage: demo.py [-h] [--model_path MODEL_PATH] [--scale SCALE]
               [--test_dataset TEST_DATASET] [--angular_num ANGULAR_NUM]
               [--layer_num LAYER_NUM] [--save_img SAVE_IMG] 
optional arguments:  
  -h, --help          Show this help message and exit  
  --model_path        Model path. Default=pretrained_models/model_2x.pth  
  --scale             SR factor  
  --test_dataset      Dataset for test  
  --angular_num       Size of one angular dim. Default=7.  
  --layer_num         Number of SAS layers. Default=6.  
  --save_img          Save image or not  

An example of usage is shown as follows:

python demo.py --model_path pretrained_models/model_2x.pth --test_dataset HCI --scale 2  --save_img 1

Note: We provide 2 pre-trained models for 2x and 4x SR, respectively. There are some differences from the original MATLAB pre-trained models:


An example of training your own model is shown as follows:

python train.py --dataset all --scale 2 --layer_num 6 --angular_num 7 --lr 1e-4


An example of testing one epoch of your trained model is shown as follows:

python test.py --train_dataset all --test_dataset HCI --scale 2 --layer_num 6 --angular_num 7 --lr 1e-4 --epoch 500 --save_img 1