

Native File System adapter (ponyfill)

What is this?

This is a file system API that follows the File System Access specification. Thanks to it we can have a unified way of handling data in all browsers and even in NodeJS & Deno in a more secure way.

At a high level what we're providing is several bits:

  1. Ponyfills for showDirectoryPicker, showOpenFilePicker and showSaveFilePicker, with fallbacks to regular input elements.
  2. Ponyfills for FileSystemFileHandle and FileSystemDirectoryHandle interfaces.
  3. Ponyfill for FileSystemWritableFileStream to truncate and write data.
  4. An implementation of navigator.storage.getDirectory() (getOriginPrivateDirectory) which can read & write data to and from several sources called adapters, not just the browser sandboxed file system
  5. An polyfill for DataTransferItem.prototype.getAsFileSystemHandle()

File system adapters

When getOriginPrivateDirectory is called with no arguments, the browser's native sandboxed file system is used, just like calling navigator.storage.getDirectory().

Optionally, a file system backend adapter can be provided as an argument. This ponyfill ships with a few backends built in:

You can even load in your own underlying adapter and get the same set of API's

The API is designed in such a way that it can work with or without the ponyfill if you choose to remove or add this.<br> It's not trying to interfere with the changing spec by using other properties that may conflict with the feature changes to the spec.

( The current minium supported browser I have chosen to support is the ones that can handle import/export )<br> ( Some parts are lazy loaded when needed )

Updating from 2.x to 3.x

v3 removed all top level await that conditionally loaded polyfills like WritableStream, DOMException, and Blob/File. considering that now all latest up to date env have this built in globally on globalThis namespace. This makes the file system adapter lighter for ppl who want a smaller bundle and supports newer engines.

But if you still need to provide polyfills for older environments then you can provide your own polyfill and set it up with our config before any other script is evaluated

import config from 'native-file-system-adapter/config.js'
// This is the default config that you could override as needed.
Object.assign(config, {
  ReadableStream: globalThis.ReadableStream,
  WritableStream: globalThis.WritableStream,
  TransformStream: globalThis.TransformStream,
  DOMException: globalThis.DOMException,
  Blob: globalThis.Blob,
  File: globalThis.File
// continue like normal.
import xyz from 'native-file-system-adapter'

ES import in browser

<script type="module">
  import { getOriginPrivateDirectory } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/native-file-system-adapter/mod.js'
  // Get a directory handle for a sandboxed virtual file system
  // same as calling navigator.storage.getDirectory()
  const dirHandle1 = await getOriginPrivateDirectory()
  // or use an adapter (see adapters table above for a list of available adapters)
  const dirHandle2 = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(import('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/native-file-system-adapter/src/adapters/<adapterName>.js'))
npm i native-file-system-adapter
import { getOriginPrivateDirectory } from 'native-file-system-adapter'
import indexedDbAdapter from 'native-file-system-adapter/lib/adapters/indexeddb.js'
import nodeAdapter from 'native-file-system-adapter/lib/adapters/node.js'
const dirHandle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(indexedDbAdapter)
const nodeDirHandle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(nodeAdapter, './real-dir')


File system sandbox

You can get a directory handle to a sandboxed virtual file system using the getOriginPrivateDirectory function. This is a legacy name introduced by an older Native File System specification and is kept for simplicity. It is equivalent to the navigator.storage.getDirectory() method introduced by the later File System Access spec.

import { getOriginPrivateDirectory, support } from 'native-file-system-adapter'
// Uses native implementation - same as calling navigator.storage.getDirectory()
await getOriginPrivateDirectory().catch(err => {
  // native implementation not supported fallback to any of the adapters

  // Blinks old sandboxed api
  handle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(import('native-file-system-adapter/lib/adapters/sandbox.js'))
  // fast in-memory file system
  handle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(import('native-file-system-adapter/lib/adapters/memory.js'))
  // Using indexDB
  handle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(import('native-file-system-adapter/lib/adapters/indexeddb.js'))
  // Store things in the new Cache API as request/responses (bad at mutating data)
  handle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(import('native-file-system-adapter/lib/adapters/cache.js'))

  // Node only variant:
  handle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(import('native-file-system-adapter/lib/adapters/memory.js'))
  handle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(import('native-file-system-adapter/lib/adapters/node.js'), './starting-path')

  // Deno only variant:
  handle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(import('native-file-system-adapter/src/adapters/memory.js'))
  handle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory(import('native-file-system-adapter/src/adapters/deno.js'), './starting-path')

File and directory pickers

import { showDirectoryPicker, showOpenFilePicker } from 'native-file-system-adapter'
// The polyfilled (file input) version will turn into a memory adapter
// You will have read & write permission on the memory adapter,
// you might want to transfer (copy) the handle to another adapter
const [fileHandle] = await showOpenFilePicker({_preferPolyfill: boolean, ...sameOpts})
const dirHandle = await showDirectoryPicker({_preferPolyfill: boolean, ...sameOpts})

Drag and drop

// DataTransferItem.prototype.getAsFileSystemHandle() is conditionally polyfilled
import 'native-file-system-adapter'
window.ondrop = async evt => {
  for (let item of evt.dataTransfer.items) {
    const handle = await item.getAsFileSystemHandle()

Copy file handles to sandboxed file system

import { showOpenFilePicker, getOriginPrivateDirectory } from 'native-file-system-adapter'

// request user to select a file
const [fileHandle] = await showOpenFilePicker({
  types: [], // default
  multiple: false, // default
  excludeAcceptAllOption: false, // default
  _preferPolyfill: false // default

// returns a File Instance
const file = await fileHandle.getFile()

// copy the file over to a another place
const rootHandle = await getOriginPrivateDirectory()
const fileHandle = await rootHandle.getFileHandle(file.name, { create: true })
const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable()
await writable.write(file)
await writable.close()

Save / download a file

import { showSaveFilePicker } from 'native-file-system-adapter'

const fileHandle = await showSaveFilePicker({
  _preferPolyfill: false,
  suggestedName: 'Untitled.png',
  types: [
    { accept: { "image/png": [ "png" ] } },
    { accept: { "image/jpg": [ "jpg" ] } },
    { accept: { "image/webp": [ "webp" ] } }
  excludeAcceptAllOption: false // default

// Look at what extension they chosen
const extensionChosen = fileHandle.name.split('.').pop()

const blob = {
  jpg: generateCanvasBlob({ type: 'blob', format: 'jpg' }),
  png: generateCanvasBlob({ type: 'blob', format: 'png' }),
  webp: generateCanvasBlob({ type: 'blob', format: 'webp' })

await blob.stream().pipeTo(fileHandle.createWritable())
// or
const writer = await fileHandle.createWritable()
await writer.write(blob)
await writer.close()

Supported browsers

When importing as an ES module, browsers that support dynamic imports and ES2018 features are a minimum requirement. When using a bundler, this restriction is no longer applicable.

When the directory picker falls back to input elements, the browser must support webkitdirectory and webkitRelativePath. Because of this, support for picking directories is generally poor on Mobile browsers.

For drag and drop, the getAsFileSystemHandle() polyfill depends on the File and Directory Entries API support, more specifically FileSystemDirectoryEntry, FileSystemFileEntry and webkitGetAsEntry.


A note when downloading with the polyfilled version

Saving/downloading a file is borrowing some of ideas from StreamSaver.js. The difference is:

to set up a service worker you have to basically copy the example and register it:


Without service worker you are going to write all data to the memory and download it once it closes.

Seeking and truncating won't do anything. You should be writing all data in sequential order when using the polyfilled version.



I recommend to follow up on this links for you to learn more about the API and how it works



native-file-system-adapter is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.