lita-digitalocean is a handler plugin for Lita that manages DigitalOcean services.
Add lita-digitalocean to your Lita instance's Gemfile:
gem "lita-digitalocean"
Required attributes
(String) - The client ID for the account to manage.api_key
(String) - The API key for the account to manage.
Lita.configure do |config|
config.handlers.digitalocean.client_id = "BdCsMEJYPv2tu7xQtLRB3"
config.handlers.digitalocean.api_key = "3df020a0441731e5ca47243b5515cbb7"
To use any of the DigitalOcean commands, the user sending the message must be in the :digitalocean_admins
authorization group.
Domain commands
To create a new DNS record set:
Lita: do domains create NAME IP
To delete a DNS record set:
Lita: do domains delete DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID
To list all DNS record sets:
Lita: do domains list
To show the details of a DNS record set:
Lita: do domains show DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID
Domain record commands
To create a new DNS record:
Lita: do domain records create DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID TYPE DATA [--name NAME] [--priority PRIORITY] [--port PORT] [--weight WEIGHT]
To delete a DNS record:
Lita: do domain records delete DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID DOMAIN_RECORD_ID
To edit a DNS record:
Lita: do domain records edit DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID DOMAIN_RECORD_ID TYPE DATA [--name NAME] [--priority PRIORITY] [--port PORT] [--weight WEIGHT]
To list all DNS records for a DNS record set:
Lita: do domain records list DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID
To show the details of a DNS record:
Lita: do domain records show DOMAIN_NAME_OR_ID DOMAIN_RECORD_ID
Droplet commands
To create a droplet:
Lita: do droplets create HOSTNAME SIZE_ID_OR_SLUG IMAGE_ID_OR_SLUG REGION_ID_OR_SLUG [--ssh-key-ids SSH_KEY_IDS] [--private-networking] [--backups-enabled]
To delete a droplet, optionally writing zeroes to the disk first:
Lita: do droplets delete ID [--scrub]
To list all droplets:
Lita: do droplets list
To reset the root password for a droplet:
Lita: do droplets password reset ID
To power cycle a droplet:
Lita: do droplets power cycle ID
To power off a droplet:
Lita: do droplets power off ID
To power on a droplet:
Lita: do droplets power on ID
To reboot a droplet:
Lita: do droplets reboot ID
To rebuild a droplet:
Lita: do droplets rebuild ID IMAGE_ID
To resize a droplet's disk:
Lita: do droplets resize ID SIZE_ID_OR_SLUG
To restore a droplet from an image:
Lita: do droplets restore ID IMAGE_ID
To show the details of a droplet:
Lita: do droplets show ID
To shut down a droplet:
Lita: do droplets shutdown ID
To take a snapshot of a droplet, optionally naming the snapshot:
Lita: do droplets snapshot ID [NAME]
Image commands
To delete an image:
Lita: do images delete ID_OR_SLUG
To list all possible images:
Lita: do images list
To list only global images:
Lita: do images list global
To list only your own images:
Lita: do images list my_images
To show the details of an image:
Lita: do images show ID_OR_SLUG
Region commands
To list all the possible regions:
Lita: do regions list
SSH key commands
To add a new SSH key and get back its ID:
Lita: do ssh keys add NAME PUBLIC_KEY
To delete an SSH key by its ID:
Lita: do ssh keys delete ID
To edit the name and/or public key of an existing SSH key:
Lita: do ssh keys edit ID [--name NAME] [--public-key PUBLIC_KEY]
To list the names and IDs of all SSH keys:
Lita: do ssh keys list
To show the name and public key of an SSH key by ID:
Lita: do ssh keys show ID
Size commands
To list all the possible image sizes:
Lita: do sizes list