


JSR deno.land

A command line tool which dumps events stored in Nostr relays, in JSON-Lines format (also known as NDJSON).


With deno install (recommended)

Install Deno and run:

deno install -A "jsr:@jiftechnify/nosdump@0.6.1"

With Pre-built Binaries (easy)

Download pre-built binaries from the releases page.

Basic Usage

Dump all events stored in the relay wss://relay.damus.io:

nosdump wss://relay.damus.io > dump.jsonl

Dump all text events (kind:1) and reaction events (kind:7):

nosdump -k 1,7 wss://relay.damus.io > dump.jsonl

Dump all your events:

nosdump -a ${YOUR_PUBKEY} wss://relay.damus.io > dump.jsonl

Dump all reply events to you:

nosdump -k 1 -p ${YOUR_PUBKEY} wss://relay.damus.io > dump.jsonl

Dump all events published in the past 24 hours:

nosdump -s 24h wss://relay.damus.io > dump.jsonl


Shorthands for Relay URLs

You may feel cumbersome when specifying relays with full URLs. It's time relay aliases and relay sets come in handy!

Relay Aliases

You set aliases for relay URLs:

nosdump alias damus wss://relay.damus.io
nosdump alias welcome wss://welcome.nostr.wine

then you refer to relays with aliases:

# Dump all text events from wss://relay.damus.io & wss://welcome.nostr.wine
nosdump --kinds 1 damus welcome

To reveal all the subcommands for the relay aliases management, run nosdump alias --help.

Relay Sets

You group multiple relays into "relay sets":

nosdump relay-set add mega-relays wss://relay.damus.io wss://nos.lol
nosdump relay-set add mega-relays wss://relay.nostr.band

then, with the ...<relay-set> syntax, you specify all the relays in the relay set as dump targets:

# Dump all text events posted in last 10 minutes from "mega relays"!
nosdump --kinds 1 --since 10m ...mega-relays

To reveal all the subcommands for the relay sets management, run nosdump relay-set --help.

Put Them Together

Of course, you can use raw relay URLs, relay aliases and relay sets together to specify relays to dump events!

nosdump --kinds 1 --since 10m wss://nrelay.c-stellar.net welcome ...mega-relays


Configured relay aliases and relay sets are saved in a config file on your local file system. The location of the config file is ${CONFIG_DIR}/nosdump/config.yaml, where ${CONFIG_DIR} is the standard directory for user-specific configs on the platform you use.

Various Input Formats

You can use following formats to refer events by ids:

# They are all valid!
nosdump -i c824e1184d4f3660097d8299632ac723f5bfaea1eb569867f4924f2f0713a321 wss://relay.damus.io
nosdump -i note1eqjwzxzdfumxqztas2vkx2k8y06mlt4padtfsel5jf8j7pcn5vsssd2g8m wss://relay.damus.io
nosdump -i nevent1qqsvsf8prpx57dnqp97c9xtr9trj8adl46s7k45cvl6fyne0quf6xggq2q33g wss://relay.damus.io
nosdump -i nostr:note1eqjwzxzdfumxqztas2vkx2k8y06mlt4padtfsel5jf8j7pcn5vsssd2g8m wss://relay.damus.io
nosdump -i nostr:nevent1qqsvsf8prpx57dnqp97c9xtr9trj8adl46s7k45cvl6fyne0quf6xggq2q33g wss://relay.damus.io

# Even in e-tag qeury!
nosdump -e nostr:note1eqjwzxzdfumxqztas2vkx2k8y06mlt4padtfsel5jf8j7pcn5vsssd2g8m wss://relay.damus.io

You can use following formats to refer pubkeys:

# They are all valid!
nosdump -a d1d1747115d16751a97c239f46ec1703292c3b7e9988b9ebdd4ec4705b15ed44 wss://relay.damus.io
nosdump -a npub168ghgug469n4r2tuyw05dmqhqv5jcwm7nxytn67afmz8qkc4a4zqsu2dlc wss://relay.damus.io
nosdump -a nprofile1qqsdr5t5wy2aze63497z886xastsx2fv8dlfnz9ea0w5a3rstv2763qgyw5f5 wss://relay.damus.io
nosdump -a nostr:npub168ghgug469n4r2tuyw05dmqhqv5jcwm7nxytn67afmz8qkc4a4zqsu2dlc wss://relay.damus.io
nosdump -a nostr:nprofile1qqsdr5t5wy2aze63497z886xastsx2fv8dlfnz9ea0w5a3rstv2763qgyw5f5 wss://relay.damus.io

# Even in p-tag query!
nosdump -p nostr:npub168ghgug469n4r2tuyw05dmqhqv5jcwm7nxytn67afmz8qkc4a4zqsu2dlc wss://relay.damus.io

You can use following formats to specify timestamps:

# Unixtime in seconds
nosdump -s 1689768000 -u 1689778800 wss://relay.damus.io

# Datetime string (UTC)
nosdump -s 2023-07-19T12:00:00Z -u 2023-07-19T15:00:00Z wss://relay.damus.io

# Datetime string (local time)
nosdump -s 2023-07-19T12:00:00 -u 2023-07-19T15:00:00 wss://relay.damus.io

# Relative time: since an hour ago, until 30 minutes ago
nosdump -s 1h -u 30m wss://relay.damus.io

Read a Filter from Stdin

nosdump parses stdin as a Nostr filter by default, so the following command works as expected:

echo '{ "kinds": [1, 7] }' | nosdump wss://relay.damus.io > dump.jsonl

If -R (--stdin-req) flag is specified, nosdump parses stdin as a REQ message instead and extract the first filter from it.

This feature makes nosdump interoperable with nostreq:

nostreq --kinds 1,7 | nosdump -R wss://relay.damus.io > dump.jsonl


If a filter read from stdin and a filter specified by command line options have the same property, the latter takes precedence of the former.


Usage:   nosdump [options...] <relays...>
Version: 0.6.1                           


  A tool to dump events stored in Nostr relays


  -h, --help     - Show this help.                                                               
  -V, --version  - Show the version number for this program.                                     
  -n, --dry-run  - Just print parsed options instead of running actual dumping.  (Default: false)

Filter options:

  -i, --ids      <ids>        - Comma separated list of target event ids.                                      
  -a, --authors  <authors>    - Comma separated list of target author's pubkeys.                               
  -k, --kinds    <kinds>      - Comma separated list of target event kinds.                                    
  -t, --tag      <tag-spec>   - Tag query specifier. Syntax: <tag name>:<comma separated tag values>. You can  
                                specify multiple --tag options.                                                
  -S, --search   <query>      - Search query. Note that if you use this filter against relays which don't      
                                support NIP-50, no event will be fetched.                                      
  -s, --since    <time-spec>  - Fetch only events newer than the timestamp if specified.                       
  -u, --until    <time-spec>  - Fetch only events older than the timestamp if specified.                       
  -e, --e        <event-ids>  - Shorthand for --tag e:<event-ids>                                              
  -p, --p        <pubkeys>    - Shorthand for --tag p:<pubkeys>                                                

Fetch options:

  --skip-verification  - Skip event signature verification.  (Default: false)

Input options:

  -R, --stdin-req  - Read stdin as a Nostr REQ message and extract the first filter from it.  (Default: false)


  completions                              - Generate shell completions.                           
  upgrade                                  - Upgrade nosdump executable to latest or given version.
  relay-alias, alias  [alias] [relay-URL]  - Manage relay aliases.                                 
  relay-set, rset     [name] [relays...]   - Manage relay sets.