


TrainEmbMultiTask is a package for training character representation with multitask training. It is proposed for enhancing Chinese Word Segmentation task in our ACL 2017 paper Neural word segmentation with rich pretraining, while it can be extended to other task which need to build a better sub-unit representation (e.g. character representation for word segmentation; word representation for entity recognition.) through multitask training. Currently the code support training in four different tasks. The output .pmodel, .pchar, .pbichar can be loaded by RichWordSegmentor to initialize the character representation parameters and input character embedding and character bigram embedding, respectively.


It is a simple two-layer feed forward neural networks which support multitask training. All input task instances are randomly choice during training (user can configure the instance ratio of different tasks.). More details can be found in our paper.


cmake .
make JointTrainemb

Training character representation:
./JointTrainemb -l -atrain {a_train_file} -adev {a_dev_file} -btrain {b_train_file} -bdev {b_dev_file} -ctrain {c_train_file} -cdev {c_dev_file} -dtrain {d_train_file} -ddev {d_dev_file} -char {pretrained_char_embedding} -bichar {pretrained_char_bigram_embedding} -option {option_file} -model {save_to_model_file} -pmodel {save_to_representation_file}

-atrain; -btrain; -ctrain; -dtrain: training data for four task;
-adev; -bdev; -cdev; -ddev: development data for four task;
-char: pretrained character embeddding;
-bichar: pretrained charcacter bigram embedding;
-option: configure parameters on building the training structure, like the set iteration times, embedding dimension, .etc.
-model: the directory for saving whole model;
-pmodel: the directory for saving the character representation.


Each line contains one token and its label. A null line seperate two sentences. Take segmentation as example:

国 b-seg
务 m-seg
委 m-seg
员 e-seg
兼 s-seg
国 b-seg
务 m-seg
院 e-seg
秘 b-seg
书 m-seg
长 e-seg
罗 s-seg
干 s-seg
、 s-seg


Our code may generate may outputs, like the decoded result of development data, the whole model and the character representation pmodel and character with character bigram embeddings .pchar, .pbichar.
The .pmodel file contains parameters (weights) of input character representation network.
The .pchar file contains character embeddings after the multitask training.
The .pbichar file contains character bigram embeddings after the multitask training.
(We suggest you combine the .pchar/.pbichar embeddings with the initial input pretrained char/bichar embeddings together, i.e. if char/bichar exists in the multitask output embedding, then keep the multitask output embedding; else keep the initial input pretrain embedding. This can effectively reduce OOV and get a better performance in following tasks. To do this, use my script MergeEmb.py.)

