

Mask Matching Transformer for Few-Shot Segmentation


  1. Setup a conda environment(e.g., miniconda as follows).
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
source ~/.bashrc
  1. Create a virtual env. with python 3.8.5:
conda create -n mmformerEnv python=3.8.5
conda activate mmformerEnv
conda install pytorch=1.11.0 torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
# For nvcc
conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev=11.3
# Downgrade the setuptools
pip install setuptools==58.2.0

git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2.git
cd detectron2
git reset --hard 932f25ad38768d
# HEAD is now at 932f25a Add build tracker based on registry
cd ..
python -m pip install -e detectron2
conda install -c conda-forge opencv timm
conda install scipy 

Note: Using the latest version of detectron2 may cause weight loading failure. Please use the following command to return the version:

git reset --hard 932f25ad38768d

Build Dependencies

cd mask2former/modeling/pixel_decoder/ops/
bash make.sh

List Preparation

Data Preparation

|-- data
`-- |-- coco
    `-- |-- annotations
        |   |-- instances_train2017.json
        |   `-- instances_val2017.json
        |-- train2017
        |   |-- 000000000009.jpg
        |   |-- 000000000025.jpg
        |   |-- 000000000030.jpg
        |   |-- ... 
        `-- val2017
            |-- 000000000139.jpg
            |-- 000000000285.jpg
            |-- 000000000632.jpg
            |-- ... 

Then, run

python prepare_coco_data.py

to prepare COCO-20^i data.


Run this command for training:

    python TRAIN.py --config-file configs/DATASET/STEP.yaml

For example

  1. Modify DATASETS.SPLIT in configs/coco/step1.yaml and run this command for training step1 of COCO:
    python train_step1.py --config-file configs/coco/step1.yaml --num-gpus 1
  1. Modify DATASETS.SPLIT and MODEL.WEIGHTS in configs/coco/step2.yaml and run this command for training step2 of COCO:
    python train_step2.py --config-file configs/coco/step2.yaml --num-gpus 1

Test Only

Modify eval.yaml file (DATASETS.SPLIT, MODEL.META_ARCHITECTURE and MODEL.WEIGHTS) Run the following command:

    python test.py --config-file configs/DATASET/eval.yaml --num-gpus 1 --eval-only

For example,

    python test.py --config-file configs/pascal/eval.yaml --num-gpus 1 --eval-only

Pretrained models
