

<p align="center" width="100%"><img src="assets/logo.png" alt="AucArena" style="width: 30%; display: block; margin: auto;"></p>

Auction Arena

Source code for our paper: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Evaluating Strategic Planning and Execution of LLM Agents in an Auction Arena. (Logo generated by DALL·E 3.)

<p align="center" width="100%"><img src="assets/featured.jpg" alt="AucArena" style="width: 100%; display: block; margin: auto;"></p>

What is Auction Arena?

Auction Arena is a simulated multi-agent battleground for Language Agents (or humans) to battle with each other for clear objectives, such as earn as much 💰 as possible (🤑🤑🤑). This is a setting chosen for being highly strategic, unpredictable and involving many skills related to resource and risk management, while also being easy to evaluate.

DEMO System

The demo of this auction arena is hosted at Auction-Arena-Demo. Have fun with that! You can either watch a bunch of AI battling each other, or you can engage in the arena personally by setting model_name as human. Good luck with your score!


Set up Demo

Run python3 app.py.

Run Experiments

Run python3 auction_workflow.py --input_dir data/example --repeat 1 --shuffle --threads 2

Note that there must be an items_demo.jsonl and a bidders_demo.jsonl file within data/example directory. You can set the parameters of bidders and items in these two files.


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