


Powerful and Flexable column for Element table

The "el-col-group" is a Vue.js functional component that allows you to create a group of columns for an "el-table" component with customizable rendering and formatting options.


# Install with npm
npm install el-col-group

# Install with yarn
yarn add el-col-group


Once installed, you can use the "el-col-group" component in your Vue.js application by importing it and registering it as a component. Here's an example:

  <div id="app">
      <el-checkbox v-model="checked">隐藏系统</el-checkbox>
    <el-table :data="tableData">
      <el-col-group :columns="tableColumnOption"></el-col-group>

export default {
  name: "App",
  data() {
    return {
      checked: false,
      tableData: [
          appId: "2e5ab8ce1b",
          appName: "一点通",
          appType: "Android",
          dayAve: "0.00062",
          quartAve: "0.00000",
          appId: "fcd8e7a04c",
          appName: "一点通",
          appType: "iOS",
          dayAve: "0.00028",
          quartAve: "0.00000",
          appId: "c1b5ef62eb",
          appName: "二点通",
          appType: "Android",
          dayAve: "0.00007",
          quartAve: "0.2",
  computed: {
    tableColumnOption() {
      return [
          label: "App",
          prop: "appName",
          visible: !this.checked,
          label: "系统",
          prop: "appType",
          renderHeader: (h, { column }) => {
            return h("div", { style: { color: "red" } }, [column.label]);
          label: `季度平均崩溃率`,
          prop: "quartAve",
          render: (h, row) => {
            return h(
                domProps: {
                  style: `color: ${row.quartAve > 0.1 ? "red" : "green"}`,

In the above example, the "el-col-group" component is used inside an "el-table" component, and the "columns" prop is bound to an array of column configurations stored in the "columnConfigs" data property.


The "el-col-group" component accepts the following props:

Column Configuration

Each column configuration object in the "columns" prop should have the following properties:


If you would like to contribute to the "el-col-group" component, please follow the standard GitHub fork and pull request workflow. You can also open issues for bug reports or feature requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


The "el-col-group" component is inspired by and based on the Element UI library, which is a popular Vue.js component library for building UIs.