



This is an Ada 2012 project that implements reference counting approaches to resource management with an emphasis on safety and usability. The project is licensed under the ISC licence - see the file LICENSE for details.


This generic package is based on the smart_ptr and weak_ptr types in C++. When it is instantiated it provides three types:

A set of Make_Smart_Ptr (etc) creation functions exist. A Smart_Ptr created without using one of these functions will be a null pointer, but the use of the functions is mandatory for the other types.

Reference counts will only be shared between multiple pointers if they are created from one another. Creating multiple Smart_Ptr or Smart_Ref from a raw access value to an object will give multiple reference counters, and the object will be destroyed when the first of these counters hits zero. This will give unpredictable and probably erroneous results. A similar problem occurs if Smart_Ptr and raw access values are mixed in a program.

The formal parameters of the Smart_Ptrs package are as follows:

   type T (<>) is limited private;
   type T_Ptr is access T;
   with package Counters is new Counters_Spec(T => T,
                                              T_Ptr => T_Ptr,
                                              others => <>);
   with procedure Delete (X : in out T) is null;
package Smart_Ptrs

Types T is the type of the values to which the Smart_Ptr will be pointing. T_Ptr is a named access type for type T. Counters is a package meeting the Counters_Spec specification that provides an implementation of the underlying reference counters. By choosing which package is used, properties of the counters such as their task-safety can be selected at compile-time. Delete is an optional procedure that will be run on the underlying resource before it is destroyed with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation. This may be more convenient than making type T a controlled type.

Counters_Spec, Basic_Counters and Protected_Counters

The Counters_Spec package describes the functions and procedures that are needed for a type to be usable as the counter. Basic_Counters and Protected_Counters are non-task-safe and task-safe implementations respectively. The child packages Basic_Counters_Spec and Protected_Counters_Spec can be used to instantiate Smart_Ptrs.

Note that while Protected_Counters has been designed so that simultaneous changes to reference counts from multiple tasks will not cause corruption, the pointers themselves are not protected and should not be shared between tasks. Also, the task-safety of the pointed-to object is outside the scope of this project.

Basic_Smart_Ptrs and Protected_Smart_Ptrs

These convenience packages can be instantiated with just a reference to a type T and an optional Delete procedure. The child package Ptr_Types will be created with usable Smart_Ptr, Smart_Ref and Weak_Ref types. Either this child package can be used or, to prevent namespace pollution, they can be renamed into the current scope with suitable unconstrained subtype declarations.


This generic package declares two simple types which are somewhat similar to the unique_ptr type in C++. Only one Unique_Ptr can be created for a given object, making them much simpler to implement than the Smart_Ptrs types. In essence this package provides a fast way to create a Limited_Controlled type from an uncontrolled type. A Delete procedure can be provided on instantiation if additional work is required before Finalization.

As with Smart_Ptrs, creating two Unique_Ptr from a raw access value will probably lead to errors and should be avoided.

Smart_C_Resources and Unique_C_Resources

It is common for libraries exporting an API written in C to follow a pattern of requiring a context or resource handle to be passed to routines. Typically these resource handles are pointers to opaque, hidden, 'struct's which are created by a library routine and hold pointers to internally allocated resources. They must be passed to another library routine when no longer needed so the resources can be released.

Smart_C_Resources and Unique_C_Resources are generic packages that wrap these handles inside Ada Controlled types and ensure that they are automatically initialized before use and destroyed after use. The Unique_T type prevents more than on Ada value existing for a given C resource, whereas the Smart_T type uses one of the reference counting packages discussed above to allow copying while ensuring the resources are released at the correct point. It is expected that in normal use one of the packages would be instantiated and then either the Smart_T or Unique_T type would be renamed to something more meaningful in the user package. Alternatively the type could be used as the base for a 'thick' Ada binding, with wrappers around the C library routines added to types derived from one of the types.


The interchangeable packages Basic_Refcounted_Flyweights, Basic_Untracked_Flyweights, Protected_Refcounted_Flyweights and Protected_Untracked_Flyweights implement the flyweight pattern. The aim is to prevent the duplication of values and the associated memory usage in the case where large resources may be required by or referred to by many parts of a program. A Flyweight keeps track of these resources and ensures that each is only stored once.

The Flyweight types work by maintaining a hash-table of the values already stored. When an access value pointing to a new value is passed to the Insert functions this hash-table is checked. If the value is not already present it is added to the hash-table. If the value already exists in the hash-table the new value passed to the function will be deleted and the existing value returned. The return value from the functions can be a wrapped pointer type or a generalised reference type. Functions are provided to convert between the two types and to access the underlying value.

The distinction between the 'basic' and 'protected' packages is in whether the Flyweight objects can cope with resources being added and deleted from different tasks concurrently. Note that simply using (de-referencing) one of the pointers or reference types does not require interaction with the Flyweight so this is not affected. In either case the task-safety of the underlying resource itself remains the responsibility of the package user.

The distinction between the 'Refcounted' and 'Untracked' packages relates to how the associated resources are managed. 'Refcounted' packages operate in a similar manner to the Smart_Ptr packages - the pointers and reference types are reference-counted so that when the last pointer to a resource is destroyed the resource will be deleted and the associated storage will be deallocated. The types in the 'Untracked' packages do not do this, so any resources stored inside the Flyweight are not released until the program ends. Note that the 'Untracked' packages will still deallocate duplicate values passed into one of the Insert functions.


The packages for KVFlyweights (Key-Value Flyweights) work in a very similar manner to the Flyweights. The main distinction is that the KVFlyweights associate every resource with a key. A factory function must be provided to return the value associated with a key. Rather than inserting values directly into KVFlyweights, keys are inserted. If a key is not already present the associated value will be obtained via the factory function and stored. The generation of values from keys must be deterministic, so each key-value pair only has to be stored once. This allows comparison to be done on keys, which may be much faster than comparing the values for equality.

A typical use-case for KVFlyweights might be for the keys to be Strings giving the filenames of resources, and for the factory function to load and return the resource from the file with the provided filename. The KVFlyweight will only load the file the first time one of the Insert functions is called, and subsequent Insert calls will return a pointer to the existing object.

Examples and unit tests

Various simple example programs and a suite of AUnit-based unit tests with good coverage are provided.

Build files

Two GPRbuild project files are provided. auto_counters.gpr builds the core packages and auto_counters_examples.gpr builds the examples and unit test routines. There is a external variable mode which has four possible settings:

The project file auto_counters.gpr is not a library project file, and so can only function as a sub-project included within another project. In this case, building the routines directly into the code that uses them is probably more sensible than building an intermediate library, given the small size of each type's support code and the increased opportunities presented for inlining and optimization.