

Heatmap-based Out-of-Distribution Detection

This repository contains the official implementation of our WACV 2023 paper.


We provide the environment.yml file with the required packages. The file can be used to create an Anaconda environment.


We use CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and Tiny ImageNet as in-distribution datasets for the classifier pretraining. To train the heatmap decoder, we rely on the in-distribution training sets as well as on 80 Million TinyImages for CIFAR-10/CIFAR-100 and Places365 for Tiny ImageNet. We test the CIFAR-10/CIFAR-100 models on the respective in-distribution test set as well as iSUN, LSUN-Crop, LSUN-Resize, SVHN, Textures and Places365. We test the Tiny ImageNet model on iNaturalist, SUN and Textures. All datasets should be placed in the Datasets folder.

Pre-trained Models

The pre-trained classification models can be downloaded here: Models. The models should be places in the folder Models.

Run Code

The classifiers can either be trained with the file classifier_pretraining.py or downloaded as described above. The device can be changed with the argument -device. We use -device cuda:0 as default.

Classifier Pre-training

We use ResNet18 or WideResNet wit depth 40 and width 2 as classifiers for CIFAR-10/CIFAR-100 and ResNet50 as classifier for Tiny ImageNet. The classifiers can be pre-trained by running the following command:

python3 classifier_pretraining.py -dataset cifar10 -arch resnet18 

Heatmap Decoder Training

The configuration files for the heatmap decoder training are placed in the folder configs. We provide a configuration file for each of the five settings. The heatmap decoder can be trained by the following command:

python3 ood_training.py -config ./configs/cifar10_resnet18_ood.json 

The number of used out-of-distribution training samples can be changed with the argument -num_ood. The trained heatmap decoder is then placed in a new directory in the folder checkpoints. The directory is named with the in-distribution dataset, the classifier architecture and a timestamp. Example checkpoints from trained heatmap decoders can be found here: checkpoints.

Out-of-Distribution Evaluation

The trained heatmap decoder can be evaluated with the following command:

python3 eval_ood.py -config ./configs/cifar10_resnet18_ood.json -checkpoint_name cifar10_resnet18_ood_fw1_2022_07_05_07_27_20

If no checkpoint folder is specified with the argument checkpoint_name, the last checkpoint created with the corresponding configuration is selected.


Please use the following citations when referencing our work:

Heatmap-based Out-of-Distribution Detection
Julia Hornauer and Vasileios Belagiannis [paper]

  title={Heatmap-based Out-of-Distribution Detection},
  author={Julia Hornauer and Vasileios Belagiannis},
  journal={2023 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},