

JNGL Example Project

Starts a JNGL game without any logic and just renders a black screen.

Getting Started

Clone this folder and open it in VS Code. If it's the first time you develop C++/JNGL you have to install the dependencies documented in the JNGL GitHub page. After setting up everything you only have to press <kbd>F5</kbd> and the project will be built and started.

Happy developing!

Windows Development with Visual Studio

For development on Windows you need to install:

Steps to build your first JNGL Game:

iOS Development with Xcode

mkdir subprojects/jngl/include/ios
ln -s /opt/homebrew/include/boost subprojects/jngl/include/ios/boost
cmake -Bbuild-ios -GXcode -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=subprojects/jngl/cmake/iOS.toolchain.cmake -DIOS_PLATFORM=OS