Protein-protein interaction docking analysis package
This package utilizes tools from MDtraj and nglview to streamline analysis and visualization of protein-protein interaction docking solutions from servers such as ClusPro, Rosetta, Haddock, Swarmdock, Pie-Dock, etc.
Docking solution files are first converted to an MDtraj-friendly format using mdtraj_converter (this package currently only contains code for ClusPro conversion, but can be easily adapted to other file types). A new directory is created within your working directory entitled <font color="brown"> "converted_models/"</font> where your MDtraj-friendly files get dumped.
MDtraj is then used to calculate interface residues between two docked structures using get_interface_contacts and contacts_iterator. A distance cutoff is set between all ligand and receptor alpha carbons, with 10 angstroms as default. contacts_iterator is designed to analyze all docking solution files in your working directory. Outputs are aggregate_contacts (all ligand-receptor atom contacts) and aggregate_residues (all ligand-receptor residue contacts), which get saved as callable pickle files in a new folder entitled <font color="brown"> "summary_data/"</font> in your working directory.
nglview can be used to visually represent individual docking solutions via model_viewer:
<img src="model_viewer_image.png">Histograms of aggregate docking solution hits by residue, from N- to C-terminus, are also provided via docking_histograms:
<img src="histograms_image.png">Finally, aggregate docking solutions are mapped onto receptor and ligand structures via atom_contacts_parser and heatmap: The heatmap is currently low resolution, separating residues by counts into 0 counts (blue), low counts (yellow), medium counts (orange), and high counts (red), but can easily be tailored to identify particular hotspots of interest.
<img src="heatmaps_image.png">Next steps:
- expand conversion capabilities to other server results
- craft a useful class/OOP architecture for this software:
- store initial conversion and contact calculations as parent class - remove redundant, slow calculations
- define children classes that inherit calculations from parent class, construct heatmaps, histograms, etc.
- expand upon residue analysis tools:
- more refined heatmap resolution
- analysis of residue types, more residue metadata