TaskReporter (DDD)
Objective of this project
In my job my boss requieres that every day when we finish we send an Email to him and to our manager with a list of tasks we did that day.
It was really boring at the end of the journey to open my email client and remember all that I did. So it was a nice excuse to create a tiny command line app in PHP following a Domain Driven Design approach.
I started with a code first approach so if you see no framework at all it's because I still did not decide if I will need one!
Don't you think is a good idea to start developing since the beginning and not being coupled to any framework? :D
Once you clone the repo execute doctrine command to create sqlite internal database:
vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:update --force
Configure mail settings
You can define your email settings on file config/settings.yml.
Configure mail template
In the folder config/template/mail.dust you will see a basic template that you can tweak using the Dust template engine (
You can use another engine for templates just creating another object that implements the MailTemplateInterface.
Add a new task
You can a dd a new task with the command.
php console.php taskReporter:add "New task."
If you have a task with a ticket id you can add it like this:
php console.php taskReporter:add "#123# The task"
Listing the tasks
You can list inserted tasks with:
php console.php taskReporter:list
Finally to send the report:
php console.php taskReporter:send
Better email error handling.