

Robot Framework Scala Remote Library

This is a working Scala remote library based on a 2016 Robot Framework tutorial published by Thomas Jaspers.

Why does this exist?

Getting Started (Mac OSX or Linux users)

  1. Install cURL (must be installed in /usr/bin/curl), Java 8, Maven, and Scala on your machine. The rest of these steps assumes that you also have Robot Framework installed locally on your machine. If not please go here...
  1. Clone this repo, go into robotframework-scala-remote-library, then create the server jar by running the following Bash script.
bash ./build-remote-server-and-gatling-jars.sh

#After updating the server code it's a good practice to run `mvn clean`, then run the Bash script again.
  1. Go into target then run one of the following commands to start the server.
java -jar scala-remote-library-server-1.0.jar


scala scala-remote-library-server-1.0.jar
  1. Go into tests then run the following.
robot ./ScalaKeywordsTest.robot

If you want to run the Scala Native examples, please use the Docker container.

Getting Started (Windows users)

Windows users should use this Docker container.

Ongoing Experiments

Over time, I plan on doing a lot of experiments and improvements with this library. In general, this Scala remote library works fine by itself. The following are extra examples and capabilities that I think would be very helpful for any tester who is interested in trying out different Scala features and combining it with other tools (such as Docker).

Big thank you to the following people and groups.