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Bingo application in GtkAda

This is a simple bingo application called BingAda (Bingo + Ada), to play bingo at home with your family during this COVID19 "stay at home" time.

The Bingo is fully functional, you can:

Building with Alire

The library used for sound in this case is ASFML available under Linux and Windows.

Building without Alire

Clone the repository in this way so you get all the dependent submodules:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/jfuica/bingada

You can choose the sound alternative in this way: gprbuild -XSOUND_LIB="sfml" -P bingada_custom.gpr

where the possible values for SOUND_LIB are "asfml" (default), "canberra", "sfml" and "none".

You may need to edit bingada_custom.gpr to remove the sound dependency options ("with" statetements) which won't build in your system.

Sound: option "asfml"

This option uses the complete Ada binding to SFML provided in https://github.com/mgrojo/ASFML

asfml can be used as a git submodule.

Sound: option "canberra"

canberra_ada can be used as a git submodule. In order to build it (only for Linux):

cd libs/canberra-ada

Required packages are listed in https://github.com/onox/canberra-ada

Sound: option "sfml"

SfmlAudio is a minimal binding to the C++ SFML Audio library and it is included as part of the project (copied into this repository from RufasSock)

sfmlAudio works in both Windows and Linux.

See instructions in libs/sfmlAudio/README.md

Linux/Windows Install using GNAT Community Edition

Installation under Ubuntu using FSF GNAT

sudo apt install gprbuild gnat libgtkada16.1.0-dev
sudo apt install gprbuild gnat libgtkada19-dev
gprbuild -p -P bingada_custom

Wishes / TODO

The interface is really simple, and it could be improved, but, I think the main goals could be:


Audio recordings of numbers have been obtained from: