


Get MacOS System certificates into Node.js.


Node uses a statically compiled, manually updated, hardcoded list of certificate authorities, rather than relying on the system's trust store... Read more

This is most of the time ok, but there are cases where you might for example want to use TLS in development with self signed certificates for which you have a root certificate in your local store. Eg: mkcert

This package is intended to fetch Root CAs from MacOS "SystemRootCertificates.keychain" and the user's keychain into Node.js.



Install with

npm install --save mac-ca

And then use it as follows:


You can also do:

node --require mac-ca/register app.js

If called in other operative systems the method will just do nothing.


After require('mac-ca').addToGlobalAgent() MacOs' Root CAs are found, deduplicated and installed to https.globalAgent.options.ca so they are automatically used for all requests with Node.js' https module and any higher-level library like axios, node-fetch or request.

For use in other places, these certificates are also available via .get() method.

let ca = require("mac-ca");
let forge = require("node-forge");

for (let pem of ca.get()) console.log(pem);

You can also specify the format as follows:

ca.get({ format: ca.Format.der });

Available values for format are:

der2.der0DER-format (binary, Node's Buffer)
der2.pem1PEM-format (text, Base64-encoded)
der2.txt2PEM-format plus some info as text
der2.asn13ASN.1-parsed certificate
**Certificate in node-forge format (RSA only)

Other options for get:


Uses node-forge and is heavily inspired by Stas Ukolov's win-ca.

See also OpenSSL::Win::Root.