

Contour Hugging Heatmaps

This code can be used to reproduce the experiments performed in our paper 'Contour Hugging Heatmaps for Landmark Detection'.


Getting Started

  1. Go to your chosen directory, clone this repo then enter it:
git clone https://github.com/jfm15/ContourHuggingHeatmaps.git
cd ContourHuggingHeatmaps/
  1. Install required packages. In this guide we create our own virtual environment:
python3 -m venv {virtual_environment_name}
source {virtual_environment_name}/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Dataset Preparation

  1. Download the cephalometric dataset from the link: http://www-o.ntust.edu.tw/~cweiwang/ISBI2015/challenge1/

  2. Extract the folders 'RawImage' and 'AnnotationsByMD' into a directory of your choosing such that the file structure looks like this:

├── AnnotationsByMD
│   ├── 400_junior
│   │   ├── 001.txt
│   │   ├── 002.txt
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── 400.txt
│   │
│   └── 400_senior
│   │   ├── 001.txt
│   │   ├── 002.txt
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── 400.txt
│   │
└── RawImage
    ├── TrainingData
    │   ├── 001.bmp
    │   ├── 002.bmp
    │   ├── ...
    │   └── 150.bmp
    └── Test1Data
    │   ├── 151.bmp
    │   ├── 152.bmp
    │   ├── ...
    │   └── 300.bmp
    └── Test2Data
        ├── 301.bmp
        ├── 302.bmp
        ├── ...
        └── 400.bmp

Note that if you publish work using this dataset you must cite:

  title={A benchmark for comparison of dental radiography analysis algorithms},
  author={Wang, Ching-Wei and Huang, Cheng-Ta and Lee, Jia-Hong and Li, Chung-Hsing and Chang, Sheng-Wei and Siao, Ming-Jhih and Lai, Tat-Ming and Ibragimov, Bulat and Vrtovec, Toma{\v{z}} and Ronneberger, Olaf and others},
  journal={Medical image analysis},

Running The Code

You can either train the model yourself or download one of our pretrained models.

1. Train a model

1.1 Train a model using the following command. This script resizes images in your training set directory and saves them in ContourHuggingHeatmaps/cache. After 15 epochs it will save the model at ContourHuggingHeatmaps/output/cephalometric/cephalometric_model.pth.

python train.py --cfg experiments/cephalometric.yaml --training_images {cephalometric_data_directory}/RawImage/TrainingData/ \
 --annotations {cephalometric_data_directory}/AnnotationsByMD/

1.2 Perform temperature scaling on the model saved in the previous step using the following command. The model with the best Estimated Calibration Error (ECE) score will be saved at ContourHuggingHeatmaps/output/cephalometric/cephalometric_scaled_model.pth.

python temperature_scaling.py --cfg experiments/cephalometric.yaml --fine_tuning_images {cephalometric_data_directory}/RawImage/Test1Data/ \
 --annotations {cephalometric_data_directory}/AnnotationsByMD/ --pretrained_model output/cephalometric/cephalometric_model.pth

2. Download a model

2.1 If you would like, instead of training a model you can download our pretrained models at the following link: https://app.box.com/s/4qz3tthh7q6xajtaasj4fp9iaw86mmyx

3. Testing

3.1 Test the models using the following commands where {model_path} is the path to the model you have trained or downloaded. You can either test the basic model or the temperature scaled model.

python test.py --cfg experiments/cephalometric.yaml --testing_images {cephalometric_data_directory}/RawImage/{Test1Data or Test2Data}/
--annotations {cephalometric_data_directory}/AnnotationsByMD  --pretrained_model {model_path}

This script will output Mean Radial Error (MRE) and Successful Detection Rate (SDR) statistics. In addition, it will save the following graphs (with slightly different numbers because training a model is a non-deterministic process) in ContourHuggingHeatmaps/output/cephalometric/. Please refer to our paper for a detailed explanation of these.

The Expected Radial Error vs True Radial Error plot

<img src="figures/re_vs_ere_correlation_graph.png" alt="drawing" width="400"/>

Receiver operating characteristic curve

<img src="figures/roc_outlier_graph.png" alt="drawing" width="400"/>

Reliability diagram

<img src="figures/reliability_diagram.png" alt="drawing" width="400"/>