

Data Filtering on Spring Data with Open Policy Agent

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Maven Central SonarCloud Quality Gate


The blog posts below explain enough of the What and Why!

The Libraries

opa-datafilter-jpa-spring-boot-starter and opa-datafilter-mongo-spring-boot-starter are Spring Boot libraries which can be used together with Spring Data JPA and Spring Data MongoDB, respectively, to enforce authorization on data by filtering using OPA Partial Evaluation feature. When a user wants to access a protected collection of resources, the libraries create a partial request object which contains about the user and the operation a user wants to perform. The partial request object is sent to the OPA compile API. OPA evaluates the partial request and returns a new and simplified policy that can be evaluated more efficiently than the original policy. These libraries convert the new policy, the OPA compile API response, into SQL or MongoDB queries. A filtered collection of data is returned to the user which a user is allowed to see.

Spring Boot App with OPA Data Filter

Open Policy Agent Supported Version

Supported Spring Data findAll methods

The libraries override Spring Data methods:

Installation and Usage

See each individual folder for installation and usage instructions.

Query Verification

To verify how the SQL or MongoDB query looks like, use the opa-datafilter-datafilter-query-service or the the docker image, opa-query-service. The service provides an API for translating OPA partial request object into a SQL or MongoDB query.


PropertiesTypeDefault ValueDescriptionRequired
opa.authorization.urlStringhttp://localhost:8181/v1/compileThe OPA compile API endpoint.Yes
opa.authorization.data-filter-enabledBooleantrueEnable OPA data filter authorizationNo
opa.partial-request.log-partial-requestBooleanfalseLog the partial request json which was sent to OPA on std out for debuggingNo
opa.partial-request.queryStringThe query to partially evaluate and compileYes
opa.partial-request.unknownsSet<String>The terms to treat as unknown during partial evaluationYes
opa.partial-request.user-attribute-to-http-header-mapMap<String, String>The mapping of user attribute to Http Header. These mappings will be added as subject attributes<br>in the input of the partial request. The key will be set as the attribute name and the value <br>of the Http header will be set as the value of the key.No

Example Spring Boot Applications

See example Spring Boot microservice applications that use these libraries:

The Partial Request

Default Partial Request

When the findAll method is invoked from OpaDataFilterRepository interface, a partial request object is sent to the OPA compile API endpoint. The default partial request is the following:

   "query": "data.petclinic.authz.allow = true",
   "input": {
   	"path": ["pets"],
   	"method": "GET",
   	"subject": {
   		"user": "alice",
   		"jwt": "<jwt token>"
   "unknowns": ["data.pets"]

where: <br>

Adding Attributes to the Default Partial Request

It is possible to add attributes to the subject property of the default partial request. This can be done by mapping the attribute to the Http header using a configuration opa.partial-request.user-attribute-to-http-header-map. For example:

    log-partial-request: true
      organization: X-ORG-HEADER

The organization is key of the attribute and the value of the X-ORG-HEADER http header is the value of the key. The partial request will look like the following:

	"query": "data.petclinic.authz.allow = true",
	"input": {
		"path": ["pets"],
		"method": "GET",
		"subject": {
			"user": "alice",
			"attributes": {
				"organization": "SOMA"
	"unknowns": ["data.pets"]
