

Jet Bridge   Tweet

for Jet Admin – Admin panel framework for your application



Jet Admin is a SaaS service that automatically generates extendable back office for your application. <br /> Jet Bridge is a standalone app which generates REST API through which your SQL database is connected to Jet Admin. <br /> This project has been designed to fit requirements of small startups and mature companies.

This is a complete remake of our popular Django Jet admin interface.



While we are trying to include most of important features out of the box sometimes its not enough. For any specific cases we offer Flex features to implement functionality not available with standard features:

How It Works

Jet Admin is a SaaS frontend application hosted on Jet Admin side that works in your browser. It connects to your project SQL database through open source Jet Bridge backend application which you install on your side. So Integrating Jet Admin with your project requires installing only one component - Jet Bridge. Here how it should look like after installation:

Jet Admin architecture

Your App

Any of your applications which works with your Database. Jet Admin does not interact with it directly.


Your database Jet Admin has no direct access to.

Jet Bridge

An open source application installed on your server's side and connected to your database. It automatically generates REST API based on your database structure. Jet Interface works with Database through Jet Bridge.

Jet Interface

Web application accessible from any browser. Maintaining and updating of this web application is on Jet Admin team side. Your application data is transmitted directly from Jet Bridge to Jet Interface in your browser and remain invisible for the Jet Admin service.



In order to install Jet Admin on your project please follow this guide:<br/> https://app.jetadmin.io/projects/create

If you don't have Jet account yet you will be asked to create one and sign in with the existing account.

After registering your project you will be redirected to your project and can start working with Jet


Feel free to Email us – support@jetadmin.io


This project (Jet Bridge) is MIT licensed - see the LICENCE file for details.