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A bot to sync the morning paper to a remarkable tablet.

This authenticates with your remarkable cloud account via the command line on start. I hope to eventually make it run on my remarkable and not have to deal with the cloud.

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Table of Contents

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For installation instructions from binaries please visit the Releases Page.

Via Go

$ go get github.com/jessfraz/morningpaper2remarkable

Running with Docker


$ touch ${HOME}/.rmapi

$ docker run --rm -it \
    --name morningpaper2remarkable \
    -v "${HOME}/.rmapi:/home/user/.rmapi:rw" \
    r.j3ss.co/morningpaper2remarkable --once

# Enter your one time auth code.

Run it in daemon mode with our auth code

# You need to have already authed and have a .rmapi api file for this to 
# work in daemon mode.
$ docker run -d --restart always \
    --name morningpaper2remarkable \
    -v "${HOME}/.rmapi:/home/user/.rmapi:rw" \
    r.j3ss.co/morningpaper2remarkable --interval 20h


$ morningpaper2remarkable -h
morningpaper2remarkable -  A bot to sync the morning paper to a remarkable tablet.

Usage: morningpaper2remarkable <command>


  -d, --debug  enable debug logging (default: false)
  --dir        directory to store the downloaded papers in (default: morningpaper)
  --interval   update interval (ex. 5ms, 10s, 1m, 3h) (default: 18h)
  --once       run once and exit, do not run as a daemon (default: false)
  --pages      number of pages of papers to download (default: 1)


  version  Show the version information.

Hidden Command

I use the bot on my server but sometimes I just want a way to get a paper from a URL to my remarkable from the command line.

I added a hidden command for that download.

You can use it like the following:

$ morningpaper2remarkable download http://nickm.com/trope_tank/10_PRINT_121114.pdf "10 PRINT"

This will download the PDF from the URL at arg[0] put it in a folder, default named papers and name the PDF in that folder arg[1], which above is "10 PRINT".

You can change the folder name with the --dataDir flag.