


A Stride3d sample which dynamically loads a Wavefront OBJ file from the filesystem, and creates a Stride3d mesh object.

You want to Dynamic load when:

The 3d model is not known when your game is built. For example, if you want to import a community created 3d model in OBJ format directly from disk. However, another alternative is having users load models into Stride3d Studio and export asset bundles, and then dynamic loading the asset bundles at runtime. There are tradeoffs between these two methods.

You dont want to Dynamic load when:

The 3d model is a fixed part of the game, known at build-time. In this case, you (generally) want to load the model as an asset in Stride3d Studio, and make it part of the standard asset build process. This allows you to instantiate the model in the editor/designer, and also in code.

Code overview:
