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<ins>Who can use this file?</ins>

These host files for Unix-like systems, the list contain domains that serve ads, tracking scripts and malware after adding this list to your setup, it prevents your system from connecting to them. Host file preferred over DNS so if a domain name is resolved by the hosts file, the request never leaves your computer.



A programmatically expanded list of hosts used for advertisements, Malware and tracking. Use this list to block ads trackers malwares. This is my primary list and I recommend using it.

FormatLinksCan be used for
HostsLink<br>MirrorBlocky, eBlocker, AdAway, Blokada, RethinkDNS, uMatrix, DNS66, GasMask, HostFileEditor, OpenSnitch, NetGuard, PiHole, Blocky, eBlocker, Diversion, OpenSnitch, PersonalDNSfilter, pfBlockerNG, PersonalBlocklist, TechnitiumDNS
AdblockLink<br>MirrorAdGuard, AdGuard Home, eBlocker, uBlock, AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, Opera, Vivaldi, Brave, TechnitiumDNS

Xiaomi Adblock

A well maintained list containing Xiaomi hosts used for advertisements and tracking. Those who are not using GoodbyeAds list and want to block only Xiaomi ads and tracking can use it.

FormatLinksCan be used for
HostsLink<br>MirrorBlocky, eBlocker, AdAway, Blokada, RethinkDNS, uMatrix, DNS66, GasMask, HostFileEditor, OpenSnitch, NetGuard, PiHole, Blocky, eBlocker, Diversion, OpenSnitch, PersonalDNSfilter, pfBlockerNG, PersonalBlocklist, TechnitiumDNS

Samsung Adblock

A well maintained list containing Samsung hosts used for advertisements and tracking. Those who are not using GoodbyeAds list and want to block only Samsung ads and tracking can use it.

FormatLinksCan be used for
HostsLink<br>MirrorBlocky, eBlocker, AdAway, Blokada, RethinkDNS, uMatrix, DNS66, GasMask, HostFileEditor, OpenSnitch, NetGuard, PiHole, Blocky, eBlocker, Diversion, OpenSnitch, PersonalDNSfilter, pfBlockerNG, PersonalBlocklist, TechnitiumDNS

Spotify Adblock

A well maintained list containing Spotify hosts used for advertisements. This list helps to block/reduce Spotify ads.

FormatLinksCan be used for
HostsLink<br>MirrorBlocky, eBlocker, AdAway, Blokada, RethinkDNS, uMatrix, DNS66, GasMask, HostFileEditor, OpenSnitch, NetGuard, PiHole, Blocky, eBlocker, Diversion, OpenSnitch, PersonalDNSfilter, pfBlockerNG, PersonalBlocklist, TechnitiumDNS

YouTube Adblock

A well maintained list containing YouTube hosts used for advertisements. This list helps to block/reduce YouTube ads.

FormatLinksCan be used for
HostsLink<br>MirrorBlocky, eBlocker, AdAway, Blokada, RethinkDNS, uMatrix, DNS66, GasMask, HostFileEditor, OpenSnitch, NetGuard, PiHole, Blocky, eBlocker, Diversion, OpenSnitch, PersonalDNSfilter, pfBlockerNG, PersonalBlocklist, TechnitiumDNS
AdblockLink<br>MirrorAdGuard, AdGuard Home, eBlocker, uBlock, AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, Opera, Vivaldi, Brave, TechnitiumDNS


This host file can be used on any device including Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS, routers with custom firmware etc.

Online DNS Services <a name="dnsservices"></a>

RethinkDNS - free <a name="rethinkdns"></a>

BlocklistsDNS-over-HTTPSDNS-over-TLSApple Mobileconfig
GoodbyeAdshttps://sky.rethinkdns.com/1:gAAAAQ==1-qaaaaai.max.rethinkdns.comVisit and click on the red apple

ControlD - free/paid <a name="controld"></a>


AhaDNS - free <a name="AhaDNS"></a>



Below is an image that says 'Not Blocking' that is blocked in all of my lists. If you see it, then you are not using one of my lists. If you do not see it, then you are using one of my lists (or a list that includes one of my lists).

<a> <img src="https://goodbyeads.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/2/1/122145164/not-blocking_orig.png" class="block-image" width="320px" height="100px" alt=""> </a>

<ins>Featured in:</ins>

This project is also available in many host file aggregators and other services.

<a href="https://nextdns.io/" > <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Images/nextdns-logo.png" width="190" height="55" alt="NextDNS logo" > <a/> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="https://controld.com/" > <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Images/ControlD.jpeg" width="170" height="60" alt="ControlD" > <a/> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="https://ahadns.com/" > <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Images/AhaDNS.jpeg" width="170" height="60" alt="AhaDNS" > <a/> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="https://www.zenz-solutions.de/personaldnsfilter-wp/" > <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Images/PersonalDNSfilter.jpeg" width="170" height="100" alt="PersonalDNSfilter" > <a/> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/keweondns-now-with-improved-certificate-ios-mac-android.3681139/" > <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Images/keweon.png" width="160" height="100" alt="keweon" > <a/> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="https://rethinkdns.com/" > <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Images/RethinkDNS.jpeg" width="160" height="60" alt="RethinkDNS" > <a/> &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="https://blokada.org/" > <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Images/blokada-logo.png" width="160" height="70" alt="Blokada logo" > <a/>


<ins>Connect with us</ins>

📫 goodbyeads@protonmail.com


Maintaining a quality blocking project takes a lot of time. GoodbyeAds is completely independently funded. We fight for our users. This does mean however that we also have to spend our owns to pay the bills. This is where you can help: by chipping in you can ensure more time is spent improving GoodbyeAds rather than dealing with distractions.

This donation is for our services, not for any pack, resource or any other mean. Your support will help us keep the project running and provide you quality service.

<a href="https://paypal.me/jerryn70" target="_blank"><img width="200" height="100" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Images/Paypal.png"></a> <a href="https://liberapay.com/jerryn70/donate" target="_blank"><img width="200" height="100" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jerryn70/GoodbyeAds/master/Images/LiberaPay.png"></a>


Goodbye Ads Hosts are basically hosts files to block access to domains. If you don't know how it works, then please try this at your own risk. I won't be responsible for any damage or loss. Never forget to make backups.

<p align="center"> <strong>Made with ❤️ in Kerala 🌴</strong> </p>