

<p align="center"> <img src="images/ID_Thumbnail.png" width="400"> <br /> <br /> </p>

Model Preserving Compression for Neural Networks

A pruning method for deep networks which preserves per-example decisions beyond top-1 accuracy, using the interpolative decomposition. Our method determines per-layer compression ratios automatically, does not require fine-tuning, and can be trivially composed with any other compression method.

NeurIPS Proceedings

Also look in atom3d-Pruning.ipynb, ComparisonsNet.ipynb, Iter-PerClass-ClassRemoved-Figure.ipynb for separate running examples.

First, we prune a pretrained model with ID:

from main import iditer, create_args
args = create_args()
args.arch = "VGG16" 
args.seed = 2
args.prune_batch_size = 5000
args.k = 0.95 # determines reduction amount for iditer algorithm per iteration
args.log_interval = 10
args.k_args = "iditer"
iditer(args, <savedir>)

Next, we compose another compression method. For PCA (see Appendix Table 4 for citation) see the following code. Note that keep_ratio is set to achieve a desired compression amount.

from pca import pca_prune
net = torch.load(<ID pruned model>)
    net = net.module
    net = net
pca_prune(net=net, keep_ratio=0.70, prune_size=5000, savename=<savename>)

For LRank (Appendix Table 4 for citation),

from lrank import lrank_prune
net = torch.load(<ID pruned model>)
    net = net.module
    net = net
lrank_prune(net=net, keep_ratio=0.984, prune_size=5000, savename=<savename>)

Finally to fine tune a compressed model, call the python train.py script with the appropriate paths for the compressed model path.

python train.py
    --arch vgg16 \
    --epochs <epochs> \
    --batch-size <batch size> \
    --lr <lr> \
    --momentum <momentum> \
    --weight-decay <weight decay> \
    --prune-batch-size 5000 \
    --print-freq 5000 \
    --workers 32 \
    --resume <checkpoint path/checkpoint.pth.tar> \
    --evalute \
    --pretrained <compressed model path> \
    --log_dir <logging output path> \
    --tensorboard_dir <tensorboard logging path> \
    --dist-url 'tcp://` \
    --dist-backend nccl \
    --seed 2 \
    --multiprocessing-distributed \
    --world-size 1 \
    --rank 0