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Simple library to custom waveforms.



npm install waveform-path -s


Download the last realease of repo and copy waveform-path.es.js from dist folder.

How to use

<script type="module">
    import { getAudioData, linearPath, polarPath } from "waveform-path";

    async function AudioPath(file) {
        const audioData = await getAudioData(file);

        const pathLogo = linearPath(audioData,{ samples: 100,  type: 'steps', top: 20 });
        document.querySelector("#logo path").setAttribute('d', pathLogo);


Linear Options

channel0Channel audio for generate wave
sampleslengthLength of the data
height100Height of path
width800Width of path
top0Top margin from path to svg
left0Left margin from path to svg
type'steps''steps', 'mirror' or 'bars'
paths[{d:'Q', sx: 0, sy:0, x: 50, y: 100, ex:100, ey:0}]Array of commands to create the path.
animationfalseTo create animations, paths separated by commas
animationframes10Frames per second of the animation
normalizetrueNormalize audio to adjust waveform

Linear Path Options

// Lineto
{d:'L', sx: 0, sy:0, ex:50, ey:100 }

// Horitzontal
{d:'H', sx:10, y:90, ex:90}

// Vertical
{d:'V', sy:0, x:0, ey:100}

// Cubic Bézier Curve - Not 100%
{d:'C', sx: 0, sy:0, x: 100, y: 100, ex:100, ey:0 },

// Quadratic Bézier Curve
{d:'Q', sx: 0, sy:0, x: 50, y: 100, ex:100, ey:0}

// Arc
{d:'A', sx: 0, sy:100,  ex:100, ey:100, rx:10, ry: 10, angle: 180, arc: 1, sweep: 1}

// Z - Close Path no parameters

sx = start % x position
x = center % x position
ex = end % x position

sy = start % y position
y = center % y position
ey = end % y position

These three extra options can be added:
minshow: 0.2  // Values 0 to 1 - Default 0
maxshow: 1 // Values 0 to 1 - Default 1
normalize: true // Normalize value y to 1. - Default false
{d:'H', sx:10, y:90, ex:90, minshow: 0.4, maxshow: 0.6, normalize: true} // Only for y > 0.4 && y < 0.6

For arc view: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/d#elliptical_arc_curve

Polar Options

channel0Channel audio for generate wave
sampleslengthLength of the data
distance50Distance from center
length100Length of wave
top0Top margin from path to svg
left0Left margin from path to svg
type'steps''steps', 'mirror' or 'bars'
startdeg0Where do you start drawing. To make it natural, 0 is equivalent to north.
enddeg360Where do you end drawing
invertdegfalseReverse the direction of the degrees
invertpathfalseReverse the path vertically
paths[{d:'Q', sdeg: 0, sr:0, deg: 50, r: 100, edeg:100, er:0}]Array of commands to create the path.
animationfalseTo create animations, paths separated by commas
animationframes10Frames per second of the animation
normalizetrueNormalize audio to adjust waveform

Polar Path Options

// Lineto
{d:'L', sdeg:0, sr:0,  edeg:100, er:100 },

// Cubic Bézier Curve - Not 100%
{d:'C', sdeg: 0, sr:0, deg: 50, r: 100, edeg:100, er:0}

// Quadratic Bézier Curve
{d:'Q', sdeg: 0, sr:0, deg: 50, r: 100, edeg:100, er:0}

// Arc
{d:'A', sdeg:80, sr:0, edeg: 0, er:0, rx: 100, ry: 100, angle: 100, arc: 0, sweep: 1 },

// Z - Close Path no parameters

sdeg = start % deg position
deg = center % deg position
edeg = end % deg position

sr = start % radius position
r = center % radius position
er = end % radius position

These three extra options can be added:
minshow: 0.2  // Values 0 to 1 - Default 0
maxshow: 1 // Values 0 to 1 - Default 1
normalize: true // Normalize value radius to 1. - Default false
{d:'Q', sdeg: 0, sr:0, deg: 50, r: 100, edeg:100, er:0, minshow: 0.4, maxshow: 0.6, normalize: true} // Only for y > 0.4 && y < 0.6

For arc view: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/d#elliptical_arc_curve