

Tongrams - Tons of N-Grams

Tongrams is a C++ library to index and query large language models in compressed space, as described in the following papers

by Giulio Ermanno Pibiri and Rossano Venturini. Please, cite these papers if you use Tongrams.



More specifically, the implemented data structures can be used to map N-grams to their corresponding (integer) frequency counts or to (floating point) probabilities and backoffs for backoff-interpolated Kneser-Ney models.

The library features a compressed trie data structure in which N-grams are assigned integer identifiers (IDs) and compressed with Elias-Fano as to support efficient searches within compressed space. The context-based remapping of such identifiers permits to encode a word following a context of fixed length k, i.e., its preceding k words, with an integer whose value is bounded by the number of words that follow such context and not by the size of the whole vocabulary (number of uni-grams). Additionally to the trie data structure, the library allows to build models based on minimal perfect hashing (MPH), for constant-time retrieval.

When used to store frequency counts, the data structures support a lookup() operation that returns the number of occurrences of the specified N-gram. Differently, when used to store probabilities and backoffs, the data structures implement a score() function that, given a text as input, computes the perplexity score of the text.

This guide is meant to provide a brief overview of the library and to illustrate its functionalities through some examples.

Table of contents

Building the code

The code has been tested on Linux Ubuntu with gcc 5.4.1, 7.3.0, 8.3.0, 9.0.0; Mac OS X El Capitan with clang 7.3.0; Mac OS X Mojave with clang 10.0.0.

The following dependencies are needed for the build: CMake and Boost.

If you have cloned the repository without --recursive, you will need to perform the following commands before building:

git submodule init
git submodule update

To build the code on Unix systems (see file CMakeLists.txt for the used compilation flags), it is sufficient to do the following.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

You can enable parallel compilation by specifying some jobs: make -j4.

For best of performace, compile as follows.


For a debug environment, compile as follows instead.


Unless otherwise specified, for the rest of this guide we assume that we type the terminal commands of the following examples from the created directory build.

Input data format

The N-gram counts files follow the Google format, i.e., one separate file for each distinct value of N (order) listing one gram per row. We enrich this format with a file header indicating the total number of N-grams in the file (rows):

<gram1> <TAB> <count1>
<gram2> <TAB> <count2>
<gram3> <TAB> <count3>

Such N files must be named according to the following convention: <order>-grams, where <order> is a placeholder for the value of N. The files can be left unsorted if only MPH-based models have to be built, whereas these must be sorted in prefix order for trie-based data structures, according to the chosen vocabulary mapping, which should be represented by the uni-gram file (see Subsection 3.1 of [1]). Compressing the input files with standard utilities, such as gzip, is highly recommended. The utility sort_grams can be used to sort the N-gram counts files in prefix order. In conclusion, the data structures storing frequency counts are built from a directory containing the files

formatted as explained above.

The file listing N-gram probabilities and backoffs is conform to, instead, the ARPA file format. The N-grams in the ARPA file must be sorted in suffix order in order to build the reversed trie data structure. The utility sort_arpa can be used for that purpose.

The directory test_data contains:

For the following examples, we assume to work with the sample data contained in test_data.

Building the data structures

The two executables build_trie and build_hash are used to build trie-based and (minimal perfect) hash-based language models, respectively. Run the executables without any arguments to know about their usage.

We now show some examples.

Example 1

The command

./build_trie ef_trie 5 count --dir ../test_data --out ef_trie.count.bin

builds an Elias-Fano trie

Example 2

The command

./build_trie pef_trie 5 count --dir ../test_data --remapping 1 --ranks PSEF  --out pef_trie.count.out

builds a partitioned Elias-Fano trie

Example 3

The command

./build_trie ef_trie 5 prob_backoff --remapping 2 --u -20.0 --p 8 --b 8 --arpa ../test_data/arpa --out ef_trie.prob_backoff.bin

builds an Elias-Fano trie

Example 4

The command

./build_hash 5 8 count --dir ../test_data --out hash.bin

builds a MPH-based model


The test directory contains the unit tests of some of the fundamental building blocks used by the implemented data structures. As usual, running the executables without any arguments will show the list of their expected input parameters. Examples:

./test_compact_vector 10000 13
./test_fast_ef_sequence 1000000 128

The directory also contains the unit test for the data structures storing frequency counts, named check_count_model, which validates the implementation by checking that each count stored in the data structure is the same as the one provided in the input files from which the data structure was previously built. Example:

./test_count_model ef_trie.count.bin ../test_data

where ef_trie.count.bin is the name of the data structure binary file (maybe built with the command shown in Example 1) and test_data is the name of the folder containing the input N-gram counts files.


For the examples in this section, we used a desktop machine running Mac OS X Mojave, equipped with a 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5 processor (referred to as Desktop Mac). The code was compiled with Apple LLVM version 10.0.0 clang with all optimizations (see section Building the code). We additionally replicate some experiments with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60 GHz, under Ubuntu 19.04, 64 bits (referred to as Server Linux). In this case the code was compiled with gcc 8.3.0.

For a data structure storing frequency counts, we can test the speed of lookup queries by using the benchmark program lookup_perf_test. In the following example, we show how to build and benchmark three different data structures: EF-Trie with no remapping, EF-RTrie with remapping order 1 and PEF-RTrie with remapping order 2 (we use the same names for the data structures as presented in [1]). Each experiment is repeated 1,000 times over the test query file queries.random.5K. The benchmark program lookup_perf_test will show mean time per run and mean time per query (along with the total number of N-grams, total bytes of the data structure and bytes per N-gram).

./build_trie ef_trie 5 count --dir ../test_data --out ef_trie.bin
./lookup_perf_test ef_trie.bin ../test_data/queries.random.5K 1000

./build_trie ef_trie 5 count --remapping 1 --dir ../test_data --out ef_trie.r1.bin
./lookup_perf_test ef_trie.r1.bin ../test_data/queries.random.5K 1000

./build_trie pef_trie 5 count --remapping 2 --dir ../test_data --out pef_trie.r2.bin
./lookup_perf_test pef_trie.r2.bin ../test_data/queries.random.5K 1000

The results of this (micro) benchmark are summarized in the following table.

Data structureRemapping orderBytes x gramµs x query - Desktop Macµs x query - Server Linux
EF-RTrie11.93 (-19.7%)0.5830.428
PEF-RTrie21.75 (-26.9%)0.5950.427

For a data structure storing probabilities and backoffs, we can instead test the speed of scoring a text file by using the benchmark program score. A complete example follows.

./build_trie ef_trie 5 prob_backoff --u -10.0 --p 8 --b 8 --arpa ../test_data/arpa --out ef_trie.prob_backoff.8.8.bin
./score ef_trie.prob_backoff.8.8.bin ../test_data/sample_text

The first command will build the data structure, the second one will score the text file sample_text contained in test_data. The input text file must contain one sentence per line, with words separated by spaces. During the scoring of the file, we do not wrap each sentence with markers <s> and </s>.

An examplar output could be (OOV stands for Out Of Vocabulary):

perplexity including OOVs = 493720.19
perplexity excluding OOVs = 1094.2574
OOVs = 55868
corpus tokens = 153583
corpus sentences = 6075
elapsed time: 0.037301 [sec]


The executable print_stats can be used to gather useful statistics regarding the space usage of the various data structure components (e.g., gram-ID and pointer sequences for tries), as well as structual properties of the indexed N-gram dataset (e.g., number of unique counts, min/max range lengths, average gap of gram-ID sequences, ecc.).

As an example, the following command:

./print_stats data_structure.bin

will show the statistics for the data structure serialized to the file data_structure.bin.

Python Wrapper

The directory python includes a simple python wrapper with some examples. Check this out!

