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Rust bindings for SFML, the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library.


Environment variables

If you get errors about SFML headers not being found, or linker errors, that probably means SFML is not installed in a global location. In that case, you can set two environment variables to help rust-sfml find the required files:

To help debugging environment variables, you can try building with cargo build -vv. If the environment variables are set correctly, you should get warnings like this:

warning: Custom SFML include dir: C:\Users\You\sfml\include
warning: Adding custom SFML libs search path C:\Users\You\sfml\lib

TIP: To set the environment variables of a cargo project, you can use the {project_dir}/.cargo/config.toml file documented here: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/config.html#env


The API documentation is available at: https://docs.rs/sfml/

If you need help with setting up rust-sfml on your system, you can take a look at the wiki.
Please take note that:


This software is a binding of the SFML library created by Laurent Gomila, which is provided under the Zlib/png license.

This software is provided under the same license as SFML, the Zlib/png license.


rust-sfml users are welcome on the Official SFML Discord server