

Creating a Vite SvelteKit project

If you're seeing this, you've probably already done this step. Congrats!

# create a new project in the current directory
npm create vite@latest my-app
    cd my-test
    npm install


Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

Installing Capacitor

npm i @capacitor/core @capacitor/cli
npx cap init


Installing others Package

npm i @capacitor-community/sqlite @capacitor/toast @ionic/pwa-elements rxjs
npm i -D copyfiles rimraf


Edit the scripts in the package.json file like below

   "scripts": {
   	"dev": "npm run copy:sql:wasm && vite dev",
   	"build:web": "npm run copy:sql:wasm && vite build",
   	"build:native": "npm run remove:sql:wasm && vite build",
   	"copy:sql:wasm": "copyfiles -u 3 node_modules/sql.js/dist/sql-wasm.wasm static/assets",
   	"remove:sql:wasm": "rimraf static/assets/sql-wasm.wasm",
   	"preview": "vite preview",
   	"check": "svelte-kit sync && svelte-check --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json",
   	"check:watch": "svelte-kit sync && svelte-check --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json --watch",
   	"lint": "prettier --check . && eslint .",
   	"format": "prettier --write ."

Running on Web

npm run dev

To see the database created

Running Native


Add the following scripts to the package.json file

"scripts": {

   "ios:start": "npm run remove:sql:wasm && npm run build:native && npx cap sync && npx cap copy && npx cap open ios",
   "android:start": "npm run remove:sql:wasm && npm run build:native && npx cap sync && npx cap copy && npx cap open android",
   "electron:install": "cd electron && npm install && cd ..",
   "electron:prepare": "npm run remove:sql:wasm && npm run build && npx cap sync @capacitor-community/electron && npx cap copy @capacitor-community/electron",
   "electron:start": "npm run electron:prepare && cd electron && npm run electron:start",

Update the svelte.config.js

Modify the adapter from adapter-auto to adaper-static too get an index.html file required by Capacitor during the build process.

npm i @sveltejs/adapter-static

The svelte.config.jsshould look like this

   import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static';
   import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte';

   /** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
   const config = {
   	// Consult https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/integrations#preprocessors
   	// for more information about preprocessors
   	preprocess: vitePreprocess(),

   	kit: {
   		// adapter-auto only supports some environments, see https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/adapter-auto for a list.
   		// If your environment is not supported or you settled on a specific environment, switch out the adapter.
   		// See https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/adapters for more information about adapters.
   		adapter: adapter({
   			fallback: 'index.html'

   export default config;

Update the capacitor.config.ts

Add the plugin parameters to the capacitor.congig.ts file

const config: CapacitorConfig = {
   appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID',
   appName: 'YOUR_APP_NAME',
   webDir: 'build',
/*    loggingBehavior: 'debug', */
   server: {
       androidScheme: "http"
   plugins: {
       CapacitorSQLite: {
       iosDatabaseLocation: 'Library/CapacitorDatabase',
       iosIsEncryption: false,
       iosKeychainPrefix: 'ionic7-react-sqlite-app',
       iosBiometric: {
           biometricAuth: false,
           biometricTitle : "Biometric login for capacitor sqlite"
       androidIsEncryption: false,
       androidBiometric: {
           biometricAuth : false,
           biometricTitle : "Biometric login for capacitor sqlite",
           biometricSubTitle : "Log in using your biometric"
       electronIsEncryption: false,
       electronWindowsLocation: "C:\\ProgramData\\CapacitorDatabases",
       electronMacLocation: "/Volumes/Development_Lacie/Development/Databases",
       electronLinuxLocation: "Databases"

Add a +layout.ts File in the routes directory.

   export const ssr = false;
   export const prerender = false;

iOS Platform

   npm i @capacitor/ios
   npm run build:native
   npx cap add ios
   npm run ios:start

In Xcode build and run the App

Android Platform

   npm i @capacitor/android
   npm run build:native
   npx cap add android
   npm run android:start

In Xcode build and run the App