



This is a rather simple oh-my-zsh wrapper to make zsh-git-smart-commands compatible with omz plugins system.


To install this plugin to your Oh-My-Zsh repo, run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/jelek21/omz-git-smart-commands.git \
      $HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/git-smart-commands --recurse-submodules


Please have a look at zsh-git-smart-commands. There is further explainations on what this is about and how it works, and even good examples of aliasses to make.

I did not add any aliases here on purpose, I do think aliases are a pretty personnal thing that I should not force you to use or make...

Good job!

You think I did a pretty good job? I do not agree and think if someone did a good job in this repo it is seletskiy so please do not hesitate to congratulate him!

License :scroll:

MIT Licensed