

Jekyll Sass Converter

Let Jekyll build your Sass and SCSS!

Continuous Integration


Jekyll Sass Converter requires Jekyll 2.0.0 or greater and is bundled with Jekyll so you don't need to install it if you're already using Jekyll.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll-sass-converter'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jekyll-sass-converter


Jekyll Sass Converter comes bundled with Jekyll 2.0.0 and greater. For more information about usage, visit the Jekyll Assets Documentation page.

Sass Implementations

Starting with v3.0, Jekyll Sass Converter uses sass-embedded for Sass implementation.

Please see migrate from 2.x to 3.x for more information.

Sass Embedded

sass-embedded is a host for the Sass embedded protocol.

The host runs Dart Sass compiler as a subprocess and communicates with the dart-sass compiler by sending / receiving protobuf messages via the standard input-output channel.

Source Maps

Starting with v2.0, the Converter will by default generate a source map file along with the .css output file. The source map is useful when we use the web developers tools of Chrome or Firefox to debug our .sass or .scss stylesheets.

The source map is a file that maps from the output .css file to the original source .sass or .scss style sheets. Thus enabling the browser to reconstruct the original source and present the reconstructed original in the debugger.

Configuration Options

Configuration options are specified in the _config.yml file in the following way:

  <option_name1>: <option_value1>
  <option_name2>: <option_value2>

Available options are:

Migrate from 2.x to 3.x

Classic GitHub Pages experience still uses 1.x version of jekyll-sass-converter.

To use latest Jekyll and Jekyll Sass Converter on GitHub Pages, you can now deploy to a GitHub Pages site using GitHub Actions.


Dropped implementation Option

In v3.0.0, sass-embedded gem becomes the default Sass implementation, and sassc gem is no longer supported. As part of this change, support for Ruby 2.5 is dropped.

Dropped add_charset Option

The Converter will no longer emit @charset "UTF-8"; or a U+FEFF (byte-order marker) for sassify and scssify Jekyll filters so that this option is no longer needed.

Dropped line_comments Option

sass-embedded does not support line_comments option.

Dropped support of importing files with non-standard extension names

sass-embedded only allows importing files that have extension names of .sass, .scss or .css. Scss syntax in files with .css extension name will result in a syntax error.

Dropped support of importing files relative to site source

In v2.x, the Converter allowed imports using paths relative to site source directory, even if the site source directory is not in Sass load_paths. This is a side effect of a bug in the Converter, which will remain as is in v2.x due to its usage in the wild.

In v3.x, imports using paths relative to site source directory will not work out of box. To allow these imports, . (meaning current directory, or site source directory) need to be explicitly added to load_paths option.

Dropped support of importing files with the same filename as their parent file

In v2.x, the Converter allowed imports of files with the same filename as their parent file from sass_dir or load_paths. This is a side effect of a bug in the Converter, which will remain as is in v2.x due to its usage in the wild.

In v3.x, imports using the same filename of parent file will create a circular import. To fix these imports, rename either of the files, or use complete relative path from the parent file.

Behavioral Differences in Sass Implementation

Please see https://github.com/sass/dart-sass#behavioral-differences-from-ruby-sass.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-sass-converter/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request