

What is this?

This is a simple project/proof of concept to sync a set of tasks with a trello board: I've set it up for managing devopsdays events boards.


This will give you a public_key and secret. (this allows read access) For write access you need to allow this app to your account


Use the above URL and replace your-public-key-here and change the name of the app this_app_name (f.i. trello-tasks)

Configuring it

you need 3 files: credentials.yml settings.yml tasks.yml Yes specifying this from the commandline is nice, but it works for now :)


:secret: your secret here - the second box from https://trello.com/1/appKey/generate
:key: your app key secret here - the token you receive in approve file downloaded from https://trello.com/1/authorize?key=substitutewithyourapplicationkey&name=myapp&response_type=token&scope=read,write,account&expiration=never
:public_key: your public key here - the first box from https://trello.com/1/appKey/generate


:board_id: yourboardidhere - you can extract this from the URL for your board - for example https://trello.com/board/test/50ba4eeeb01f8e6a09003528
:dday: optional due date (use DD-MM-YYYY) format


This file is an array of tasks: Example:

- :name: Find a venue
  :description: we really need to find a venue
  :due: -30
- :name: Announce new event
  :description: Once the venue is selected we will announce it
  :checklist: linkedin, googlegroup, facebook, twitter, sponsors
- :name: Select program schedule
  :description: Final selection

Install it

We have a Gemfile and .rvmrc in the project , will install necessary gems

bundle install

Running it

bundle exec ruby trello-tasks.rb

Technology and kudos

I got it working in no time thanks to: