automatically adjust the price for your golem node based on the current price of GLM
set this file to run as a cron job every hour (or as often as you see fit)
make the file executable
chmod +x
run the program with your settings, and
to add it to your crontab to run automatically. (requires thepython-crontab
python3 -w 100 -p 0.5 --update_cron
you can also manually add it to your crontab (with
crontab -e
)0 * * * * /path/to/ > /dev/null
you can provide parameters to tell the script how to estimate the cost
0 * * * * /path/to/ --currency EUR --watts 250 --price_kwh 0.17 > /dev/null
for a full list of options see --help
usage: [-h] [--currency CURRENCY] [--price_kwh PRICE_KWH] [-w WATTS] [--idle IDLE] [-p PROFIT] [-t THREADS] [-u] [--dry_run]
automatically adjust golem provider prices. GLM Price provided by CoinGecko
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--currency CURRENCY desired fiat currency for prices, default: USD
--price_kwh PRICE_KWH
electricity price per kwH in your fiat currency, default: 0.1
-w WATTS, --watts WATTS
power usage of your provider in watts, default: 150
--idle IDLE power usage of your provider in watts at idle.used to calculate env/hr rate.If not provided, env/hr will be 0 and all earnings will be from cpu/hr
-p PROFIT, --profit PROFIT
desired additional profit beyond electricity costs, (1.0 is 100 percent), default: 0.1 (10 percent)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
number of threads on golem provider.
t = 0 is all threads.
t < 0 is t less that all threads.
t > 1 is t threads.
if t is higher than available threads, maximum of all
threads will be used. if all threads - t is less than 1, 1 thread will be used. default: all threads
-u, --update_cron run this script every hour with the same settings by adding it to the cron file
--dry_run display result but do not actually update, (applied to cron setting as well)
Pricing Data provided by CoinGecko